Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 534 Göre 17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Türkçesinde Ses Benzeşmeleri ve Uyumları. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yay, 1995. no: 622; Duman M. Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi’ne Göre 17. Yüzyılda Ses Değişmeleri. Ankara: Türk Dil Ku- rumu Yay., 1995. no: 616. 6. Dil Oğlanları ve Tercümanlar. İstanbul: Yapı ve Kredi Bankası Yay., 1995. S. 111. 7. Viguier P.F. Elemens de la Langue Turque. İstanbul, 1790. s. 33–35. 8. Carbognano için daha fazla bilgi için bakınız: Pamukçiyan K. Zamanlar, Mekânlar, İnsanlar. İstanbul: Aras Yay., 2003. László Károly *, Julian Rentzsch** An online database of Turkic runiform inscriptions Introduction More than a hundred and twenty years after the decipherment of the Orkhon memorial stones by VilhelmThomsen (in 1893) [16; 17], the runiform inscrip-tions of Eurasia remain one of the most exciting fields of study in Turcology. Although thousands of publications have been devoted to problems related to the Turkic runiform inscriptions [cf. 1], many questions regarding palaeography, lexicon, grammar and other domains are still unsolved. Even the Orkhon in-scriptions, the most thoroughly investigated group of Turkic inscriptions, still contain unexplored mysteries ([10], who offers new results on the Ongi inscrip-tion). The more we depart from the Orkhon region, the more problematic be-comes the deciphering and interpretation of the inscriptions. Besides damages in the stones which naturally may impede the reading of inscriptions of any prove-nance, glyphs with uncertain or even unknown reading increase in number out-side the Orkhon region. Moreover, as the precise linguistic features of the Turkic varieties outside that region are not known very well, even the interpretation of clearly visible signs is often * PhD, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. * *Dr. phil. habil, Research Fellow at the Faculty of Applied Foreign Languages, FON University Skopje/Macedonia (DFG Research Fellowship)