Philippov Alexander V.

Doctor (in History), professor

Филиппов А.В.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date and place of birth: Leningrad (St.-Petersburg).


  • higher education, "History of Japan", 1984, Oriental department of Leningrad State University;
  • Postgraduate Course 1984-1987 (the same place);
  • Doctoral Course 1999-2002 (the same place).

Academic degree, academic rank:

  • Doctor (in History), 20.06.2003; 07.00.03 – World History; Dissertation Theme: «"Three Great Reforms" and Japanese society evolution in the latter part of Edo period».

Employment, position:

  • Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St.-Petersburg State University, Professor of Far East History Department since 2004;
  • Professor of Japanology Department since 2008.

Research sphere, subjects:

  • Japanese History, Geography, Culture, Economics, Law system;
  • Japanese ethnic stereotype of behavior and national psychology;
  • Russia and Japan;
  • Japanese language.

Scholarly research in Japan:

  • Osaka City University (1993, 1998, 2005, 2009);
  • Gakushuin Women’s College conference (2000);
  • Kumamoto University (1993-95) etc.

International Symposiums:

  • Tokyo (Japan, 2000),
  • Lahti (Finland, 2000, EAJS),
  • Moscow (2001, 2016),
  • Lisbon (Portugal, 2017).

Foreign Languages:

  • Japanese,
  • English.

Scientific publications (mainly in Russian language), over 50 incl.:

  • Doctoral Thesis on the Japanese History: “Three Great Reforms and the process of evolution in Japanese society in the latter part of Edo period”. St-Petersburg, 2003. 503 p. (St-Petersburg state Univ.). [in Russian]
  • Author’s abstract (of Doctoral Thesis). St-Petersburg, 2003. 543 p. (St-Petersburg state Univ.) [in Russian]
  • To the Problem of Traditional Japanese Law // The Bulletin of the Leningrad University. Series 2. Issue 2. Leningrad, 1987. [in Russian]
  • Vasily Yakovlevich KOSTYLEV // Narody Azii i Afriki. 1987. #2. P.53-58. [in Russian]
  • “One Hundred Articles of Tokugawa” and “The Code in One Hundred Chapters”: Law, Society and Ideology of Japan In the First Half Of the Edo Epoch. St-Petersburg, 1998. 186 p. [Monograph] [in Russian]
  • Socio-Legal Tradition of Japan As an Aspect In the Formation Of the National Character Of the Japanese. St. Petersburg, 1998. 39 p. [Methodical materials for a lecture course]. [in Russian]
  • Tsunayoshi, the 5-th Shogun of the Tokugawa Dynasty: On the Personal Role in the System of State Reforms (Russian and English Historiography Materials) // International Conference: Japan Phenomenon: Views from Europe. Moscow: Rus. Assoc. of Japanologists, Japan Foundation, Institute of Oriental Studies, Rus. Academy of Sciences, September 2001. P. 193-211. [in English]
  • “The Three Great Reforms” in the latter part of the Edo period (the reforms as a formative period in the moulding of the Japanese national character) // Acta Istitutionis Orientalis = Вестн. Восточн. ин-та. №2 (14). Vol.7. 2001. St-Petersburg, 2002. P. 3-32. [in English].
  • Sankuto-Peteruburugu (Shashin-shu:) = St-Petersburg: Photo-album. St-Petersburg: Slavia, 1998. 14 p. (Translated, edited and prepared for publication in Japanese by Philippov A.). [in Japanese]
  • Erumita:ju bijutsukan (geijutsu-no kessaku) = Hermitage Museum St-Petersburg: Slavia / BONECHI, 2000. 144 p. (Translated, edited and prepared for publication in Japanese by Philippov A.). [in Japanese]
  • Immortal Classics in the Historiography of Japanese History. A Review from the 21st century of the Russian and English Books // KLIO, the journal for scientists. St-Petersburg: Poltorak Co. Ltd., 2016. #3 (111), March 2016. P.38-48. [in Russian]

Subjects and courses for students:

1. Japanese History.

Course objective purpose: the lecture-course on Japanese History is basic subject for the students in the department of Japanese Studies; suggested to learn the methodic of Historical Analyses, training proper abilities to clarify the logic of historical evolution; thus giving the cognitive background for following courses on culture, literature, language trends etc.
Mission tasks: mastering in understanding of the Japanese History main stages; learning the main historical concepts; providing the firm basement for further scientific research, including other subjects.

2. Traditional Law and Japanese Legal History.

Course objective purpose: Specially proposed course on Traditional Law and Japanese Legal History is lecture-course on history of political, administrative and legal institutions for the students, specialized in Japanese History; it is supposed to be an additional subject to refine the students’ knowledge on Japanese culture and history through the studies of the Japanese legal system evolution.
Mission tasks: mastering in the main stages of progress in the sphere of traditional social and political institutions, due to the influence of economical development as well.

3. Introductory Course to Japanese Studies.

Course objective purpose: Introductory Course to Japanese Studies is the basic course for the beginners in Japanology. It is suggested to provide for the students the comprehensive approach at the very start of their research activity in Japanese studies. The outline of Japanese studies in Russia and St-Petersburg in its advance supposed to include the stages of evolution in Oriental studies abroad too. The course is provided to be the cornerstone for further proper perception of all the range of subjects, associated with Japanese cultural background.

Mission tasks:

  • multipurpose approach to Japanese studies activity in wide range of spheres;
  • training the abilities for further educational subjects as well as for the start of the scientific research.

