Pobedonostseva Kaya Angelika O.

Senior lecturer

Pobedonostseva Kaya Angelika O.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 20


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • 2002. BA Degrees, Saint-Petersburg State Technical University
  • 2004. MA Degrees, Saint-Petersburg State Technical University
  • 2017. Postgraduate studies in Department of History of the Middle East Countries, Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies. PhD thesis (2017): The Kurds in History and Politics of Russia  in the Middle East in the XIX – beginning of the XX cc.

Scientific Research Grant:

  • 2009-2010 İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi


  • Russian
  • Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic
  • English, German

Professional interests:

  • Kurdish history
  • Russian-Kurdish contacts
  • Kurdish diaspora
  • historical and cultural contacts of the Kurds with the other ethnic groups of the region
  • Kurdish language and dialects
  • history of architecture of Muslim countries                                       


  • Pobedonostseva A.O. Yezidis of Iraq (Russian) // Asia and Africa today, No 2, Moscow, 2010. P. 52-54. 
  • Pobedonostseva A.O. Russian Сlassics in Kurdish сulture (Russian) // Petersburg researches, Collection of scholarly articles, No 2, Saint-Petersburg , 2010. P. 68-70.
  • Pobedonostseva A.O. Kurds in Russian periodicals of the XIX century (Russian) // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University (Asian and African Studies), No 3, Serie 13, Saint-Petersburg, 2010. P. 14-24.
  • Pobedonostseva A.O. The role of the Kurdish Sufi tariqats in the political arena of the XIX century (Russian) // Pax Islamica, No 1-2 (8-9), Moscow, 2012. P. 286-294. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Di dema Stalîn de polîtîkaya tehcîrê û rewşa Kurdan (Kurdish) // Nûbihar, No 119, İstanbul, 2012. S. 19-24.
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Yezidi-Kurds in Northern-West of Russia: Problem of self identification (Russian) // Herzen readings 2012. Actual problems of social Sciences. Collection of scientific and educational works. Saint-Petersburg, 2013. P. 360-366. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Kurdish-Armenian relationship from the middle of the XIX century until the First World War on the example of the village of Chengelli (Kagizman, Kars, Turkey) (Russian) // Lavrovskiy sbornik. Materials of the XXXVI and XXXVII Central Asian-Caucasus readings 2012–2013. Ethnology, History, Archeology, Culturology. Saint-Petersburg, 2013. P. 375-380.
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. The Kurds in Turkey: deportation as a method of solving the ethnic conflict in the XIX-XX centuries? (Russian) // Fritillaria Kurdica. Bulletin of Kurdish Studies No 7-8. Institute of Oriental Studies Jagiellonian University, Krakow, December 2014 / March 2015. P. 77-91.
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Treaty of Gulistan of 1813 in history of Russian-Kurdish relations (Russian) // Vestnik of Orel State University. Seria: New Humanitarian Studies. No 6 (41), Saint-Petersburg, 2014. P. 358-360. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Missionary activity in the Kurdistan region in the XIX century (Russian) // Russia and World in the End of XIX – first half of ХХ century. Collection of articles to the 85th anniversary of Boris V. Ananich. Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Saint-Petersburg, 2017. P. 125-132.
  • Sarigoz O., Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O., Abilov I. Appellative forms in Turkish, Kurdish and Talysh languages (Russian) // Sovremennaya nauka. Seria: Humanitarian Studies No 5, Moscow, 2018. P. 169-175. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Politics and Politicians in Soviet Belarus: The Case of Kiryla Mazurau // The Journal of Belarusian Studies. Volume 8, Number 3, 2018. P. 83-92. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O.. The First World War and the Russian Empire’s Policy Towards the Kurds: Path Dependence? (Russian) // The current status of the Kurdish question in the Middle East. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Russian Association of Young Kurdologs. Moscow, 2018. P. 6-31 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O.. Kurdish Studies and Policy in the USSR through the analysis of the biographies of O.Vilchevsky and F.Rostopchin (Russian) // XXX International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa: On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Academician Vasily V. Barthold (1869–1930). 19–21 June, 2019 / Ed. by Nikolay N. Dyakov, Alexander S. Matveev. St Petersburg: NP-Print Publishers, Vol. 1, 2019. P. 225-226. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A., Bohdan S. Islamische Revolution in Kurdistan: Zwischen Sektierertum und Ökumenismus // Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien: Religion in Kurdistan, 2019/7. P.63-84. 
  • Kirpichenok A.I., Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Erich Brauer: a man behind Israeli Orientalistica (Russian) // Transactions on Jewish Studies History and Ethnography, Issue 16, Jews of the world history, culture and politics. International Academic Conference Proceedings April 26, 2020. St. Petersburg Institute Of Jewish Studies. P.61-68. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O., Kirpichenok A.I. «Ana Kurdi»: the Jews of Kurdistan (Russian) // Etnografia. 2020. 2 (8). P. 44-67. DOI 10.31250/2618-8600-2020-2(8)-42-65. 
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Kazimir Vasilevski and alternative visions of Soviet Policy towards Turkey in the 1930s (Russian) // Actual problems of Turkic studies. Materials of International scientific conferences XXXIII & XXXIV Kononov Memorial Lectures. Saint Petersburg, 2020. C. 216-219.
  • Pobedonostseva-Kaya A.O. “The Mukri Kurds” by O.L. Vilchevsky: what and why has been deleted before publication? (Russian) // Islam in the modern world, Vol 16, No 4 (2020). S.99-116.
  • Pobedonostseva Kaya A.O. Djelaleddin Korkmasov and the Weekly Stambulskie Novosti in Bolshevik-Unionist relationship (Turkish) // Kebikeç İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021 Yıl: 26 Sayı: 51. S. 97-114.

