Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

166 II. Россия — Восток ших факторов, обусловливающих феномен добровольчества, стало осознание необходимости оказания помощи тем, кто в ней нуждался, темболее если это было связано с сохранениеми завое­ ванием свободы и независимости. Это само по себе в достаточ- ной степени характеризует саму суть эволюции общественного сознания в России в сторону формирования «нового» человека, того, кто ценой собственной жизни готов отстаивать будущее мира, свободного от предрассудков и насилия. Ключевые слова . Добровольцы; англо-бурская война; Южная Африка; Российская империя. T he objective of this article involves an attempt to rethink the fact of the participation of Russian volunteers in the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902)—an important historical episode that for a short period of time united Russia and the Boer republics of Transvaal and the Orange Free State in confrontation with the British Empire. A modern view of the evolution of Russian society in the 19th century will allow us to pay attention to the patterns and historical background for the emergence of the Russian volunteer movement. It should be noted that the participation of Russian volunteers in national liberation movements in Europe and Africa can be traced throughout the 19th century. The background of the story for us will be mainly the event outline, including the prerequisites for liberal reforms in Russia, the reaction of the ruling Romanov dynasty, and the peculiarities of foreign policy. It is worth emphasizing that the role of Russia in the international arena in the 19th century determined by its geographical location, geopolitical, strategic and economic interests, as well as military potential and resources. It seems that now is the right moment to rethink the global confrontation betweenGreat Britain andRussia, focusing on the socio- political processes and events of the 19th century. Themodern historical context is of paramount importance for us, since we still observe, and it is important to note a similar wary attitude towards British foreign policy among foreign fellow historians.