Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

175 Alexander S. Zdanevich. The Crisis of Autocracy in Russia (the mid-19th — early 20th С.)... • can this phenomenon be considered as a feature of the Russian national character; • whether volunteerism was a reaction to the action or inaction of the reigning house and government on issues that were of paramount importance for all levels of public institutions; • whether volunteerism at its inception became a confirmation of involvement in a certain community (Slavic or Orthodox world) and why it evolved into a kind of “internationalism”; • whether volunteerismwas related to information policy in Russia, and to what extent public opinion influenced the evolution of this social phenomenon. The British invasion of the Orange Free State and Transvaal caused widespread public outcry throughout the world. Russia was no exception this time. The solidarity of Russian society in the struggle for the independence of Afrikaners is due to a number of factors, which we will mention in particular. To a large extent, this nature was caused by the “weak” position of European states that tried not to be involved in confrontation with Great Britain. For the same reasons, neither Nicholas II nor representatives of the government authorities of the Russian Empire interfered with the national volunteer movement, without directly becoming involved in the conflict with Great Britain at the state level. “The expansion of the colonial possessions of European powers since the 70s of the 19th century has attracted close attention from the world community. The Russian government, personally Nicholas II, also followed with interest the actions of Great Britain in South Africa. This was explained by the fact that in an effort to strengthen its influence in Iran, Afghanistan and the Far East, Russia constantly faced opposition from Great Britain. The Russian Foreign Ministry sought to receive complete information about the military, economic and internal political situation of Great Britain, and its colonial policy”. 1 1 Англо-бурская война 1899–1902. По архивным материалам и воспоминаниям очевидцев / авт.-сост. Н. Г. Воропаева, Р. Р. Вяткина, Г. В. Шубин. М.: Восточная литература, 2001. C. 4.