Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

181 Alexander S. Zdanevich. The Crisis of Autocracy in Russia (the mid-19th — early 20th С.)... history, which only emphasizes the importance and urgent need for historical research. It is important in this regard that warm and friendly relations between Russia and South Africa — so different, but in some ways very similar countries — continue today. Events of the distant past arouse genuine interest in both domestic and foreign historical science. For these reasons, we, relying on published works of specialists and open sources, tried to provide an overview of the key socio-political processes that took place in Europe, Russia and South Africa in the 19th century. Perhaps we can agree that the Russian volunteer movement has become for the whole world an example of selfless service to the very idea of Freedom and Independence. This, in our opinion, characterizes the essence of the evolution of public consciousness in Russia towards the formation of a “new” person, one who, at the cost of his own life, is ready to defend the future of a world free from prejudice and violence. Bibliography 1. Davidson A., Filatova I. The Russians and the Anglo-Boer War 1899–1902. Cape Town — Pretoria — Johannesburg: Human & Rousseau, 1998. 91 p. 2. Egerton H. E. British foreign policy in Europe to the end of the 19th century; a rough outline. London, Macmillan and Сo., 1918. 440 p. URL: https://archive.org/details/britishforeignpo00eger/page/n7/mode/2up (accessed: 27.10.2023). 3. Krot M. N., Chernicin S. V., Zavyalova O. O. The Patriotic Enthu- siasm during the Crimean War (1853–1856) аs a factor of modernization turn in Russia // Bylye Gody . Vol. 43. Iss. 1. 2017. P. 103–111. URL: https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/316935701_The_Patriotic_Enthusi- asm_during_the_Crimean_War_1853–1856_as_a_Factor_of_Moderniza- tion_Turn_in_Russia (accessed: 27.10.2023). 4. Англо-бурская война 1899–1902. По архивным материалам и воспоминаниям очевидцев / авт.-сост. Н. Г. Воропаева, Р. Р. Вяткина, Г. В. Шубин. М.: Восточная литература, 2001. 528 с., карта, схемы, ил. 5. Ахтамзян А. А. Верный сын Отечества // Этносфера . 8 (119). 2008. С. 48–50. URL: https://mgimo.ru/library/publications/32618/?utm_