Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

18 I. К юбилею профессора И. В. Герасимова have attained such a high degree of linguistic expertise that he can be at ease with intellectuals from an extra-European setting — be this in the Arab Gulf, in Sudan or in Central Asia. Finally, and this I shall vividly remember, Igor Gerasimov is a gifted speaker, who within a wink managed to establish a lively rapport with his audience — the hallmark of a talented teacher! Further to the intellectual value of such regional cultures and languages, the recent years have taught us the usefulness of academic knowledge in an increasingly complex world. Without the deep insight into regional trends, and also conflicts, which scholars like Dr Igor Gerasimov possess, our ability to engage in diplomatic and commercial exchange with the regions of the Middle East and of Islamicate Africa would be much reduced. In this sense, Dr Gerasimov has already inscribed his name in the list of valuable scholars of the present century. May his energy, determination and joyful enthusiasm take him far in the decades to come! Dr Lars Peter Laamann School of Oriental & African History University of London