Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

298 III. Судан и его соседи Hausa, the latter name to be read as “Ibrāhīm, son of Malam Fari”), to an unknown “mentor of scholars” ( ustādh al-‘ulamā’ ); 4) Sa‘id ibnMu ḥ ammad toMu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī ibnAlfāA ḥ mad; 5) ‘Abdallāh ibn Ma ḥ mūd to Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī; 6) Mālik ibn A ḥ mad to Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī ibn al-Fāhim A ḥ mad; 7) mu‘allim Amdūl (?) ibn mu‘allim (sic) to mu‘allim Sulēmāni (sic) ibn mu‘allim Mūsā (partly vocalized, with an imāla sign under the sīn ); 8) Nabūku to ‘Alī Jatau and the rest of the community ( wa-sā’ir al-jamā‘a ); 9) Mu ḥ ammad Bello (probably Muhammadu Bello Mai Wurno, son of amīr al-mu’minīn Attahiru; his hijra led him to a village in the Sennar region of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1 ) and A ḥ mad Sambo Tūmi to Sirē ‘Āli; 10) Sirē ‘Āli toMu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī,Mu ḥ ammad Bello, A ḥ mad Șambo and amīr al-jaysh A ḥ mad ibn ‘Umar. Thus, sevenout of ten letters areundoubtedlyapart of correspondence between Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī, Sirē ‘Āli, and their followers and relatives. Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī b. A ḥ mad b. Sa‘īd Tāl (Alfā Hāshim, born circa 1865, died 1931 or 1932), a nephew of ‘Umar b. Sa‘īd al-Fūtī, was a well known Tijānī shaykh . Rüdiger Seesemann describes AlfāHāshim’s emigration from West Africa to Medina in the following words: At the dawn of French colonial rule in the region, soon followed by the con- quest of the ‘Umarian capital Segu (Ségou) in 1893, some of his cousins and uncles decided to stay and tried to reach a modus vivendi with the emergent non-Muslim rulers. Alfā Hāshim, on the other hand, was part of the group led by A ḥ mad al-Kabīr that saw emigration, or hijra (the “emigration” in 622 C.E. of the prophet Mu ḥ ammad from Mecca to Medina in order to escape persecution) to the land of Muslims as the only viable option. However, their destination, Sokoto, in present-day Northern Nigeria, soon 1 I was able to visit this place, also namedMai Wurno, thanks tomy friend and colleague Igor Gerasimov, together with a few Russian and Sudanese students and scholars during my first visit to Sudan in 2015.