Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

300 III. Судан и его соседи From the letters to and from Sirē ‘Āli it becomes clear that he certainly had a high rank in the tarīqa . On the one hand, Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī was his shaykh , or at least was considered as such by Sirē ‘Āli’s correspondents. On the other hand, it does not look like Sirē ‘Āli (referred to as “the advisor”, al-nāși ḥ , by Mu ḥ ammad Bello and A ḥ mad Sambo) was just a modest follower of Alfā Hāshim. Moreover, we can see that he wrote toMu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī to give him advice on the modalities of hijra and jihād and was apparently sure of his right to advise the shaykh . This letter of advice (no.2) demonstrates thatMu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī was a rather complex figure, a fact that had already been known to the historians of the “Umarian” emigration.While taking part in the hijra , he also participated in the anti-colonial jihād inNorthernNigeria, although this attitude did not correspond to his intentions, if he wanted to leave the lands occupied by the Nașārā (Europeans/Christians). Sire ‘Ali suggested that the shaykh should make a choice between jihād and hijra , and the latter was advisable under the current circumstances. The author of the letter wrote to Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī: “Many of the people only give you power in their interest and for their own pleasure”. Meanwhile, the Nașārā had already waged war with amīr al-mu’minīn of Sokoto and the emir ‘Umar of Bauchi, as well as in Gombe. The picture of defeat ends with the dramatic phrase, “and your children are in their hands until now”, apparently referring to the fate of some Tijānī followers including the relatives of Mu ḥ ammad al-Hāshimī. Sirē ‘Āli then compared the choice between hijra and jihād , stressing that the latter was preferable: As concerns hijra, it precedes jihād nowadays beyond any doubt, I advise you to leave everything that distracts you from hijra, from [going to] Mecca and Medina. There is no argument and no clause [in the Islamic law] today against hijra. Because there is a road, and there is a way [to follow it] (al- ḥ īla). And one of the ways is going group after group (bi-fi’a ba‘d fi’a), as it was done by the Prophet, God’s blessing and greeting be upon him, and by his followers.