Судан и Большой Ближний Восток
306 IV. Ближний Восток и его соседи and the sparse and often conflicting literary Byzantine and Arabic sources. 1 Among the Byzantine sources, of particular value is the Synopsis Historiorum of Ioannes Skyltizes (12th –13th c.). A manuscript of this work, now found in the National Library of Madrid, has been marvelously illustrated. 2 The illustrated manuscript of Skylitzes includes valuable material reflecting various aspects of the Byzantine historical events, arranged in chronological order according to the dates of the ruling of the emperors, but simultaneously forming pictorial cycles of various topics. 3 Of particular importance are a number of Lefkosia 2006, 153–166; D. Tsougarakis, Byzantine Crete from the 5 th Century to the Venetian Conquest , Athens 1988;M. Kremp, Arabisches Kreta. Das Emirat der Ansalusier (827–961), Frankfurt 1995; Ch. Makrypoulias, “Byzantine Expeditions against the Emirate of Crete c. 825–949”, Graeco-Arabica 7–8 (2000), 347–362; M. A. Makki and F. Corriente, trans. and commentary, Ibn Hayyān, Crónica de los emires Alhakam I y ‘Abdarrahmān II entre los años 796 y 847 [Al-muqtabis II-1], Zaragosa 2001; M. A. Makki, ed., Al-Sifr al-ţānī min kitāb al-Muqtabis , Riyad 2003; L. Molina, “La «Historia de los Omeyas de Al-Andalus» en losMasālik al-Abşār”, Al-Qanţara 26.1 (2005), 133;M. Penelas and L. Molina, “Dos fragmentos inéditos del volumen II del Muqtabis de Ibn Hayyān”, Al-Qanţara 32.1 (2011), 229–241. 1 For the Byzantine author Ioannes Skylitzes, see H. Hunger, Die hochsp- rachliche profane Literatur der Byzantiner, Greek trans. T. Kolias et al., Βυζα- ντινή Λογοτεχνία. Η λόγια κοσμική γραμματεία των Βυζαντινών . Ιστοριογραφία, Φιλολογία, Ποίηση , vol. II, Athens 1992, 211–216; A. Karpozilos, Βυζαντινοί Ιστορικοί και Χρονογράφοι (11 ος –12 ος αι.) , vol. III, Athens 2009, 239–258. 2 The iconography of Skylitzes’ illustratedmanuscripts has been extensively discussed by S. C. Estopanan, Skylitzes Matritensis I, Barcelona-Madrid 1965; A. Grabar and M. Manoussakas, L’Illustration du manuscript de Skylitzes de la BibliothèqueNationale deMadrid , Venice 1979; andmore recently byA. Tselikas, ed., Joannis Scylitzae Synopsis Historiarum, Codex Matritensis Graecus Vitr. 26 , Athens 2000, andVasiliki Tsamakda. The IllustratedChronicle of Ioannes Skylitzes in Madrid , Leiden 2002 . See also I. Sevčenko, “The Madrid Manuscript of the Chronicle of Skylitzes in the Light of its New Dating”, in I. Hutter, Byzanz und derWesten, Studien zur Kunst des europäischenMittelalters , Vienna 1984, 117–130. 3 For the iconographic cycles in historical works, see K. Weitzmann, “Illustrations for the Chronicle of Sozomenos, Theodoret and Malalas”, Byzantion 16 (1942–43), 87–134 (repr. in idem, Byzantine Book Illumination and Ivories , London 1980, no. IV.
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