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347 Dimitrios G. Letsios. Leo VI the Wise and the Saracens... works”. 1 Some scholars have concluded that it may have been composed at the time of Constantine VII, as it is included in the same manuscript tradition with other products of his time. Although there is not yet consensus among scholars on the dating issue, a possible drafting at the time of Leo VI has been suggested, with an addition of material in 950s. 2 Two military treatises are ascribed to Leo, which have been often studied and still are interesting in scientific research: the Problemata ( [Military] problems ), which survived in a single manuscript (Laurentianus 55–4) 3 and the Taktika ( Tactical constitutions or treatise on military tactics). The Problemata was eventually compiled also by Leo, sometime before the Taktika ; however only the second treatise is of relevance for the subject discussed here. Leo’s Taktika is important, because it is the first in a series of military treatises characteristic for the tenth century 4 and the study of G. Dagron 5 , has drawn attention to the treatment of the Arabs in this collection. Furthermore, T. Kolias 6 has summarized Leo’s military 1 A Tenth-Century Byzantine Military Manual: The SyllogeTacticorum , translated by G. Chatzelis and J. Harris, Birmigham 2017, 5. Ed. A. Dain, Sylloge Tacticorum, quae olim ‘Inedita Leonis Tactica' Dicebatur, Paris 1938. 2 T. G. Kolias, Νικηφόρος Β ́ Φωκᾶς (963–969). Ὁ στρατηγός αὐτο- κράτωρ καί τό μεταρρυθμιστικό του ἔργο, Athens 1993, 24–6; Haldon, A Critical Commentary , 66–8; A Tenth-Century Byzantine Military Manual: The Sylloge Tacticorum, 6. 3 Leonis VI Sapientis Problemata , nunc primum ed., adnotatione critica et indice auxit A. Dain, Paris 1935. This collection “is the presentation of Mau- rice’s Strategicon in question-and-answer form (erotapokriseis) ”, Antonopoulou, Emperor Leo VI (2017), 207. Cf. Haldon, A Critical Commentary , 15. 4 Among them the so-called Sylloge tacticorum , which “may or may not have been produced during Leo’s reign”, Haldon, A Critical Commentary , 15. The model that has been established by Leo was followed, with more or less dependence inmany cases in the tenth century: Sylloge tacticorum , Tactika of Nikephoros Ouranos, De velitatione bellica , Praecepta militaria Nicephori imperatoris , and an anonymous Campaign Organisation , cf. Haldon, A Critical Commentary , 17 and passim. 5 Dagron, Byzance et le modèle islamique (1983). 6 T. Kolias, “The Taktika of Leo VI the Wise and the Arabs”, Graeco- Arabica 3(1984), 129–135.