Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

348 IV. Ближний Восток и его соседи advices in his Taktika , in order to successfully resist the Arab attacks and V. Christides 1 has drawn attention to Leo’s commands on naval warfare tactics, especially searching an Arab translation of Leo’s Naumachica . Leo’s effort with this endeavor reflects the will to adapt old strategies and tactics to a new enemy. The twenty-two constitutions mainly serve the purpose to reorganize the available material and suppress obsolete information, meeting actual realities; however, the need to face the contemporary situation and counter the Arab threat, was the reason to incorporate a long treatment of the Arabs, in Taktika , Constitution 18 and add an original work on naval warfare, Taktika , Constitution 19. 2 Leo’s advices on naval warfare were excerpted later in a series of similar sea war guides. 3 Despite the stressed adaptation to his times and the remarkable addition on naval warfare, the Taktika , commissioned by Leo at 1 V. Christides, “Two Parallel Naval Guides of the Tenth Century: Quda- ma’s Document and Leo VI’s Naumachica: A Study of Byzantine andMuslim Preparedness”, Graeco-Arabica 1(1982) 51–103; Idem, “Naval Warfare in the Eastern Mediterranean (6 th– 14 th Century). An Arab Translation of Leo VI’s Naumachica ”, Graeco-Arabica 3(1984), 137–148; Idem, “Ibn al-Manqali (Mangli) and Leo VI: New Evidence on Arabo-Byzantine Ship Construction and Naval Warfare”, ByzSlav 56(1995) 83–96. 2 Dennis, Leonis VI Taktika , XIX, Πολεμικῶν προπαρασκευῶν διάταξις ιθ’, περ Περὶ ναυμαχίας: Preparation for War, Constitution XIX, about naval warfare, 1–83, p. 502–535. Naumachica, edition: A. Dain, Naumachica partim and adhuc inedita in unum nunc primum congessit et indice auxit , Paris 1943. Useful the edition with modern Greek translation by I. Dimitroukas, Ναυ- μαχικά, Λέοντος ΣΤ΄, Μαυρικίου, Συριανού Μαγίστρου, Βασιλείου Πατρικίου, Νικηφόρου Ουρανού , Athens 2005. Cf. Idem, “Τα βυζαντινά πολεμικά πλοία και τα πληρώματά τους”, Graeco-Arabica 12(2017), 293–407. 3 Συριανοῦ Μαγίστρου Ναυμαχίαι: ed. A. Dain, Naumachica partim adhuc inedita, Paris 1943, 43–55; J. H. Pryor — E. M. Jeffreys, The Age of the ΔΡΟΜΩΝ. The ByzantineNavy ca 500–120 4 (TheMedievalMediterranean 62), Leiden — Boston 2006, 455–481; Ναυμαχικὰ συνταχθέντα παρὰ Βασιλείου παρακοιμωμένου καὶ Πατρικίου: ed. Dain, Naumachica , 57–48; Pryor–Jef- freys, The Age of the ΔΡΟΜΩΝ , 521–545; Ἐκ τῶν Τακτικῶν Νικηφόρου Οὐρανοῦ, κεφάλοιον νδ’, Περὶ θαλασσομαχίας και κεφάλαια ριθ΄-ρκγ΄: ed. Dain, Naumachica , 371–373; Pryor–Jeffreys, TheAge of theΔΡΟΜΩΝ , 571–605.