Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

355 Dimitrios G. Letsios. Leo VI the Wise and the Saracens... followed, and the use of spies, 1 in order to collect the relevant information was suggested; it is critical to detect, whether theywere preparing for land or sea attack, because they were using the same infantry for both kinds of attack. For this reason, coordination is suggested and the commander of the Kibyrraiotai fleet should be properly informed. 2 Simultaneous assaults of infantry and battle fleet were successful in combating this people inTaurus and Leo notices that his father, Basil I, by this tactic has defeated them. 3 Leo, referring to Cilicians, states his father’s campaign of 877–878, which set an example as he preferred to follow the minor roads, in order to surprise the enemy and minimize their numbers. As J. Haldon comments, Cilicians and the army of Tarsos, “were a major thorn in the side of the empire throughout the second half of the ninth century and well into the tenth century;” 4 of course the campaign of Nikephoros Phocas the elder in 890s could be referred as well. 5 1 Taktika 18, 132, 662–668 (p. 486–489). Cf. N. Koutrakou, “Diplomacy and Espionage.Their Role in Byzantine Foreign Relations, 8th–10th Centuries”, in Haldon, J., ed., Byzantine warfare , Aldershot 2007, 529–548; V. Christides, “Military Intelligence in Arabo-Byzantine Naval Warfare”, in Byzantium at war (9th–12th c.) , ed. K. Tsiknakis (The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research, International Sypmosium 4), Athens 1997, 269–81. 2 Taktika 18, 132, 664–5 (p. 486f.): “…you should advice the commander of Kibyrraiotai …” Cf. P. A. Yannopoulos, “Cibyrra et Cibyrréotes”, Byz 61 (1991) 520–529. 3 Taktika 18, 133, 672–674 (p. 488f.): “as our most blessed father and autokrator of the Romans once did in his days by his sacred command”. Cf. Taktika 9, 14, 60–66 (p. 158f.). 4 J. G. C. Anderson, “The Campaign of Basil I against the Paulicians in 872”, Classical Review 10 (1896), 138–39; E. Honigman, Die Ostgrenze des byzantinischen Reiches von 363 bis 1071 , Brussels 1935 , 62–63; Bosworth, The City of Tarsus (1992); Fr. Hild, Das byzantinische Strassensystem in Kappadok- ien (Denkschriften, phil.–hist. Klasse 131), Vienna 1977, 134–35; Haldon, A Critical Commentary , 320, 379ff. 5 J.-C., Cheynet, ‘Les Phocas’, in G. Dagron and H. Mihaescu, eds., Le traité sur la guérilla (De velitatione) de l’Empereur Nicéphore Phocas (963–969), Paris 1986, 289–315, here 291–296; PmBZ 20769 [Βάρδας / Bardas Phocas (der ältere)];For themaritimecontext, seePryor andJeffreys, Age of theΔρόμων, 50–71.