Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

533 О. В. Дегтярева. Перепись населения как символическая репрезентация... the media sphere in St Petersburg University. Throughout his activity, Prof Gerasimov contributed inter alia to the the expansion of the hori- zon of students and professors, as well as graduates of the Faculty of Journalism of SPbU, including those currently working in the field of international relations and political science, where the study of national media and the media products generated by them plays a crucial role. The process of forming the image of Ukraine involves the choice of identities and tokens (language means), coming to the surface of the evaluation and metaphorical layers. Against this background, an exam- ple of a solution to the problem of loss of ethnic Russians in the USSR in the 1920s. XX century. the status of the titular nation has acquired special significance for modern Ukrainian researchers and politicians. The analysis of these narratives is necessary to identify the ideological values of discourse and stereotypes that media form in the consciousness of the population. Under the influence of semiotic inversions, there is a distorted presentation or complete change of meanings (including its ontological, axiological and cognitive parameters) In a pre-established discourse, and then embedded in a certain symbolic and cultural system (including language). During these processes, the identity of the State as a national-territorial and cultural entity is formed. It can be argued that the state’s knowledge of itself cannot proceedwithout the perception and analysis of all participants in relations and those discourses that exist in the public space.Media practices are considered in the article through the prismof anthropological concepts, which formthe basis of modern anal- ysis in the field of discourse, concerning the problemof national identity. Keywords . Population census; Ukraine; media discourse; identity. С утверждением в ХIХ–ХХ вв. идеи суверенитета народа госу- дарство начало использовать перепись населения для леги- тимации властного режима, которая опиралась на репрезентацию властикак олицетворение политической демократии, социальной справедливости и культурной традиции. Именно единогласие ввосприятиистатистическихпоказателейкакнеоспоримыхфактов превращает их в мощный политический инструмент в руках про- тивоборствующих групп, которые соревнуютсяне только за власть и ресурсы, а и за право утвердить свое видение общественных