Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

58 I. К юбилею профессора И. В. Герасимова однозначно показывает необходимость междисциплинарных исследований. Чтобы понять проникновение культур, распро- странение ислама в китайской среде, его адаптацию в дальнево- сточной конфуцианской культуре и особенности взаимовлияния, необходимо базовое образование и китаиста, и арабиста. Ключевые слова. Ислам в Китае; мечети в Иньчуане; мечети в Чэнду; северо-восток Китая; суфийские братства в Китае. Tatiana A. Pang. An Arabist in China Abstract. The traditional education at the Oriental Faculty of the SPbU is supposed to teach the future scholar both general history and detailed history of multinational and multi confessional states of the East. Being a graduate of the Oriental Faculty, Igor V. Gerasimov became a specialist in the history and culture of the Arab world, but during the last years he has also been interested in the variants of Islamic Sufism in the countries of the Far East. The article is based on the materials of trips to China made by Igor V. Gerasimov, mainly in 2017–2019, when he visited Yinchuan, Changchun, Shenyang, Harbin and Chengdu, where he met the Chinese Muslims and collected valuable information. The Arabist’s keen eye caught general and particular features of Chinese Islam. The experience of joint trips to China and the study of Islam in the Far East clearly shows the need for interdisciplinary research. Understanding of the penetration of cultures, the spread, in this case, of Islam in the Chinese environment, its adaptation to the Far Eastern Confucian culture, as well as the peculiarities of mutual influence, require basic education of both a Sinologist and an Arabist. Keywords. Islam inChina; mosques in Yinchuan; mosques inChengdu; north-west of China; Sufi brotherhoods in China. Н ам повезло, что мы учились на Восточном факультете ЛГУ и еще успели прослушать лекции классиков российского востоковедения, выдающихся ученых, оставивших огромное научное наследие. Они учили нас любить и уважать Восток.