В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

486 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию Because of the great morphological value of the palatal vowel harmony every syllable had, no doubt, to ren der the lingual features of vowels, but by means of the given syllable as a whole (it is presumable that the signs for vowels originally did not exist at all). Therefore we may regard the 22 “paired letters” as syllabograms with the following values: ab B , äb b , ad D , äd d , aγ G , äg g , aj Y , äj y , aq K , äk k , oq/uq q , ök/ük X , al L , äl l , an N , än z , ar R , är r , as S , äs s , at T , ät t . It must be added also: yq Q and ič c , i. e. syl- labograms, which are not “paired”. It is worth emphasizing that the rnorphophonological characteristics of the Turkic languages seem to be favourable for the formation of a syllabic script. Normally while vowels and consonants consecutively follow each other, vocalic clusters within a syllable are avoided and consonantic clusters are restricted to a number of definite types. In these languages short mono- syllabic words morphemes are predominant (and the latter feature is also favourable for the word-syllabic writing systems to emerge) 1 . In fact, most of the roots have the VC structure (alongside the V, VCC, CV, CVC and CVCC types ), some of which could be laid as a basis of syllabogram values. At this stage the list of the possible evidences of the OTRS indigene- ousness is as follows: 1) presence of 24 syllabograms ( out of 39 signs ), which render the palatal vowel harmony; 2) the fact that one of the most typical Turkic syllable structure (VC) formed the most part of syllabogram values; 3) existence of both the graphemes, which denote syllable with low unrounded vowels and those denoting syllables with rounded ( oq / uq ) and high unrounded vowels ( yq , ič ). O. Pritsak and A. Róna-Tas are in agreement that the cause of the great number of k-signs ( 5 units) is the high frequency of the phoneme k in the Turkic speech. 220 As for the authors of the present paper they find the fol- lowing explanation by I. M. Djakonov concerning an analogous phenom- enon in Etruscan script more convincing: Особенно показательно при этом наличие тройки с , k , q назывались эти буквы соответственно «кe», «ка», «ку» и различались в зависимости от того, какой гласный следовал за ним в тексте —  e , a или u соответственно. Понятно, о чем может свидетельствовать это обстоятельство: o наличии древнего слогового письма, в котором с значило «ке», k значило «ка», a q значило «кy», так что нe было необходимости писать еще и гласный: данный знак сам по себе передавал следование «согласный + гласный» 3 . (“Especially signifi- 1 Cf.: Djakonov I. M., op. cit. P. 10–11. 2 Pritsak, op. cit., p. 91; Róna-Tas A., op. cit., p. 12. 3 Djakonov I. M., op. cit., p. 13.