В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

572 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию instance, future tense in the past (futur dans le passé) among indicative’s tense forms and subjunctive (subjonctif) in French would support this view. These two French verb categories have a similar form [See 30, p. 193–197]. In this respect, it is necessary not to mix indicative’s tense forms (4, 5) with those of subjunctive mood forms (6, 7, 8) in Turkish. Thus, these two categories should be considered as completely independent categories from one another. (4) Yalnızca nakış ve tezhip yap-ardı-m; sayfa kenarlarını süsle-r, çerçeve içine renkler, renkli yapraklar, dallar, güller, çiçekler, kuşlar çiz-erdi-m: [31, p. 10] “I only used to embroider and il- luminate; I used to decorate edges of pages; and I used to draw colors, colored leaves, branches, roses, flowers, and birds:” (in- dicative’s present tense forms in the past). (5) Okuduğumuz kitaplardan misal getir-ecek, ... bir zaman pey- gamberlerin en zengini olan Eyüp Peygamberin bir sıkıntı zama- nında yabancıya el açtığını anlat- acaktı-m. [26, p. 79] “I would have given an example from the books we have read, ... I would have explained Prophet Shet, who was once the richest of all Prophets, had begged for a foreigner at a period of financial stra- its.” (indicative’s future tense forms in the past). (6) Dünyanın en çirkin, fakat en doğru kadınına rastlasam, onu der- hal sevebil-irdi- m, caddenin ortasında ayaklarına kapanabil-ir- di-m. [32, p. 194] “If I met the ugliest but the most truthful woman of the world, I could love her immediately, I could throw myself at her feet in the middle of the street.” (subjunctive mood forms). (7) “Onu bilsen merak et-mezdi-n. Öyle korkunç bir adamdır ki...” [33, p. 285] “If you had known him, you would not have wonde- red him. He is such a terrible man.” (subjunctive mood form). (8) Oğlan bir ağlasaydı, ben de dayanama-yacak, ... hüngür hüngür ağla-yacaktı-m. [34, p. 52] “If the boy started crying, I would not have resisted ... I would have cried my eyes out.” (subjunctive mood forms). In Turkish subjunctive mood forms that express determined event, most- ly determined action can be processed with finite forms expressing “unreal event” accompanying them and undertaking the mission of secondary predi- cate in the utterances. For instance, these mood forms can be used with con- ditional mood forms (-sE and -sE idi) that depict the action represented by the verb used in the subordinate clauses of compound sentences in the form