В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

573 Subjunctive mood (thought-mood) in Turkish of “unreal condition” (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) and with the past tense forms of optative mood (-(y)E idi) that articulate “unreal event” (15, 16, 17, 18) rather than wish/volition concerning the realization of the action 1 . However, this is not a universal rule. Aforesaid subjunctive mood forms (19, 20, 21) can also be active in simple sentences: (9) Fakat eğer bir din edinmek iste-se-m mutlak Müslüman ol-ur- du-m. [33, p. 83] “But if I wanted to have a religion, I would absolutely become a Muslim.” Müslüman olurdum “I would become a Muslim”, which is an subjunctive mood word form, found in the main sentence of the compound sentence is accompanied by istesem “if I wanted”, which is a finite word form showing the action in the form of unreal condition. (10) “Seni sev-seydi-m çocukluğumda sev-erdi-m “ diye yine fısılda- dım. [31, p. 338] “I whispered again saying “if I had loved you, I would have loved you in my childhood.” Subjunctive mood word form of severdim “I would have loved” is used with the finite word form of sevseydim “if I had loved” representing the action in the characteristic of unreal condition. (11) Şair ol-saydı-m, sevda şiiri yaz-mazdı-m. [35, p. 416] “If I were poet, I would not write love poems.”. Subjunctive mood word form of yazmazdım “I would not write” is used with the finite word form of şair olsaydım “If I were a poet” representing the action in the characteristic of unreal condition. (12) Meselâ Tevfik âdi bir soytarı ol-sa çoktan itiraf ed-erdi. Kuvvetli bir erkek ol-sa bir kadın gibi ağla-mazdı. [33, p. 176] “For example, if Tevfik were a vulgar clown, he would already confess. If he were a strong man, he would not cry like a woman.”. Subjunctive mood word forms of itiraf ederdi “he would confess” and ağlamazdı “he would not cry” are active with finite word forms of soytarı olsa “if he were a clown” and erkek olsa “if he were a man” representing the action in the characteristic of unreal condition. 1 -sE form found in subordinate clauses, can demonstrate the action either in the characteristic of “real” or “unreal condition.” In other words, this form is indifferent as to whether the condition is real or unreal. However, when this abovementioned form accompanies subjunctive mood form found in the main clause, it always indicates “unreal condition.” Meanwhile, -sE idi form is marked with “unreal condition” contrary to -sE form. -(y)E idi form is used to denote “unreal event” in Turkish.