В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

574 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию (13) Eğer imam vaktinde yetişme-se, belki Emine onu döv-ecekti. [33, p. 71] “If imam had not arrived on time, Emine maybe would have beaten her.” Subjunctive mood word form of dövecekti “she would have be- aten” is accompanied by finite word form of yetişmese “if he had not arrived” representing the action in the characteristic of unreal condition. (14) Şayet, şu yatakta sızıp kendinden geçmiş adama kapılmamış ol-say- dı-m bugün beni Anadolu kasabalarından birinde öğretmen olarak bul-acaktı-nız... [36, p. 138] “If I had not fallen in love with this drunk man sleeping on this bed, you would have found me as a tea- cher in one of theAnatolian towns today...” Subjunctive mood word form of bulacaktınız “you would have found” is used with finite word form of kapılmamış olsaydım “if I had not fallen in love with” representing the action in the characteristic of unreal condition. (15) Sen gerçek sevdalı olsaydın, sıkışmış obanın sıkışmışlığının üstüne varma-yaydı-n, belki de Ceren senin ol-urdu, alçak. [37, p. 281] “If you had been truly in love and if you had not suppressed these poor nomad people, maybe Ceren would have been yours, coward.” Subjunctive mood word form of olurdu “she would have been” found in the main clause of the compound sentence is accom- panied by finite word form of sevdalı olsaydın “if you had been in love” and üstüne varmayaydın “if you had not suppressed” informing unreal event in the subordinate clause. (16) Herife bir temiz sopa çek-eydi-k, iş temizlen-irdi. [16, p. 43] “If we had beaten the guy up, the problem would have been solved.”. Subjunctive mood word form of temizlenirdi “it would have been solved” is used with finite word form of sopa çekeydik “if we had beaten” informing unreal event. (17) Sen, erkekçe hareket ed-eydi-n bu olanlar ol-mazdı. [38, p. 59] “If you had acted like a real man, those happened would not have taken place.” The determined action represented by subjunctive mood word form of olmazdı “those happened would not have taken place” is accompanied by the determining action in the finite word form hareket edeydin “if you had acted”. (18) Buna benzer ufak tefek sahtekârlıkları hiç yapmamış değilim. Hele “Nur-i İrfan” mektebi kâtipliği devam ed-eydi bu işte az