В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

575 Subjunctive mood (thought-mood) in Turkish çok bir ihtisas bile edin-ecekti-m. [26, p. 110] “It is not that I have not committed small frauds similar to this one before. Abo- ve all, if clerkship of “Nur-i İrfan” school had continued, I would even somewhat have specialized in this job.” The determined action represented by subjunctive mood word form of ihtisas edinecektim “I would have specialized in” is ac- companied by the determining action in the finite word form de- vam edeydi “if it had continued”. (19) — Niye bana söylemediniz? Ben yap-ardı-m. (informant). “ —Why didn’t you tell it to me? I would do it.” (20) Bunu söyleyen bir insana dokunul-maz, bırakıl-ır, elleri de öpül-ürdü. [37, p. 178] “You would not touch a person saying this, you would leave him and you would kiss his hands.” (21) Bir çok kadın daha ağlı-yacaktı ... Bir sürü ocak daha sön-ecek- ti! [33, p. 171] “Many more women were going to cry ... Many more families would perish!” The meaning that “the utterance content does not correspond to reality” denoted by subjunctive mood forms can be reinforced with lexemes such as az daha/kaldı/kalsın “almost, nearly, about to”, belki “maybe”, ramak kaldı “be within an ace of” (22, 23, 24, 25, 26) lexically as pleonasm in Turkish: (22) Az daha düş-ecekti-m. (informant) “I was about to fall.” (23) Hayvan ileriye doğru öyle bir fırladı ki, ben az kalsın sırt yerde bacaklar havada tepinekal-acaktı-m. [34, p. 167] “The animal leaped forward in such a way that I almost stamped falling on my back and my legs upwards.” (24) Sen gerçek sevdalı olsaydın, sıkışmış obanın sıkışmışlığının üs- tüne varmayaydın, belki de Ceren senin ol-urdu, alçak. [37, p. 281] “If you had been truly in love, and if you had not suppres- sed these poor nomad people, maybe Ceren would have been yours, coward.” (25) Teyzem, bu dakikada bana bir tatlı kelime söylemiş olsaydı, ha- fifçe yanağıma dokunsa, saçımı okşasaydı, ağlayarak kollarına atıl-acak, belki her şeyi söyle- yecekti-m. [28, p. 112] “If my aunt had told me something nice at this moment, if she had touched on my cheek softly, if she had patted my hair, I would have fallen into her arms crying, maybe I could have told her everything.”