В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

576 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию (26) Deriyi ramak kaldı tuzla-yacaktı-k. [37, p. 81] “We were within an ace of dying.” Subjunctive mood form can also be used to express a wish in a polite way (27, 28) as will be shown in the examples below in Turkish: (27) — Zühtü bey, zatıâliniz misiniz? — Benim n’olacak? — Hiç... sorduk. Biraz pâzen al-acaktı-k da ... [39, p. 164] “—Zühtü beg, is this you? — Yes it is me, why are you asking? — Nothing ... we just asked. We were going to buy some fustian ...” (28) — Hani, anne, oyun oyna-yacaktı-k. (informant) “Well, mother we were going to play a game.” The copula of değil which constitutes negative predicate forms of the noun can also be used in the composition of finite verb forms. 1 We believe that this kind of a formation (29) should be deemed as subjunctive mood form if it has a meaning where “the utterance content does not overlap with or correspond to reality”: (29) Bunu söylese, ben oraya kadar git-mez değildi-m. [32, p. 159] “If he had told me this, it is not that I would not have gone there.” We can also express subjunctive (unrealized possibility) modality sense/ nuance (thought image) in Turkish with forms such as -mElÎ idi (30, 31), -sE idi (32, 33, 34), -(y)E idi (35, 36), -sE (37), -(Î)yor idi (38, 39). These forms do not have a primary function of denoting the fact that the action has not been put into effect even if it should have been or it was possible or probable. In other words, these abovementioned forms are not specialized in conveying this function. However, this does not mean that these abovesaid forms are subjunctive mood forms. Therefore, these forms are members/forms of the category under question: (30) Onun Beyliğinde kocaman bir adam küçücük bir çocuğu döve- me-meliydi. [37, p. 213] “In his Kingdom, a big man should not have been able to beat a small kid.” 1 If we consider that most verbal tense forms develop fromverbal nouns (nominalizations) (for example see [40, p. 72, 74, 113–114, 146]) and that verbal noun forms represent the action in noun (namely object, quality or circumstance) images (for example see [6]), it should be deemed natural that the negative copula değil is used together with verb stems as will be seen from the examples below: Fakat ben kendi hesabıma bu işe pek de şaşıyor değilim. [26, p. 9] “On my side, it is not that I am so much surprised to what has happened.”; Buna benzer ufak tefek sahtekârlıkları hiç yapmamış değilim. [26, p. 110] “It is not that I have not committed small frauds similar to this one before.” etc.