В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

578 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию she makes love with someone else in front of my eyes, I should have stayed there. I lost happiness, the last happiness of my life!” (38) “Hani sen yaz ortasına kadar kal-ıyordu-n?” dedi Nilgün. [44, p. 290] ““Were not you supposed to stay until mid summer?” said Nilgün.” (39) Sabahın bu saatinde bizi az daha ez-iyordu-nuz... [44, p. 204] “You were about to run over us at this time of the morning.” As noted at the beginning of the article, if we consider that modality meanings are conveyed by different methods in languages (morphological, morphological-lexical, lexical, intonation etc.), we should also pay attention to the methods used to convey the abovementioned subjunctive modality senses/nuances (thought images) and we should evaluate the language means accordingly. The carriers of subjunctive modality senses are not the mor- phological forms being subject to this article in the examples shown below. Instead, they are lexical means (40, 41, 42). Therefore, finite forms in these utterances are beyond the scope of our research: (40) Keşke bu vapur, yıllarca, dalgalar üstünde, sonu karaya var- maz bir yolculukla çalkalan-sa, bütün denizleri aş-sa, dünyanın her iskelesine uğra-sa, hiçbir şehre indirmeden, yabancı yüzü göstermeden, geçim derdi çektirmeden, uskur ninnisi içinde, ölümüne kadar gök ile deniz arasında dön-se, dolaş-sa! [36, p. 12] “I wish this ship labored on the waves through a journey without making landfall for years, passed all seas, stopped by all seaports of the world, wandered between sky and sea until its death with the melodies of propeller lullaby without laying down to any city, without seeing any foreigner, and without struggling to make a living.”. At first sight, it might seem that subjunctive modality is conveyed through word forms with -sE çalkalansa “it labored”, aşsa “it passed”, uğrasa “it stopped”, dönse do- laşsa “it wandered” in the example shown above, actually this meaning is conveyed through keşke “I wish”. When we get rid of keşke, then the abovementioned finite word forms connote to “real condition” (“possible reality”) and “desire” in regards to the realization of action stemming from its conditional meaning. (41) Bağıracak-mış az kalsın. [32, p. 32] “He was about to shout.” In this example, subjunctive modality sense/nuance is expressed by lexical method with the usage of az kalsın “about to”. When we get rid of az kalsın from the sentence, finite word form of ba-