Япония: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024
ЯПОНИЯ: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024 472 At the same time, the forestry industry developed, ranking second in contribution to the Karafuto economy by 1938. It should be mentioned, that by the middle of the decade, 75% of Karafuto forestry industry output went to local pulp and paper mills 13 . However, due to over-utilization of forest resources, by the beginning of World War II, areas of coniferous trees, except for those that were difficult to access, had been almost completely destroyed. As for the coal industry, despite significant growth, it failed to become a dominant sphere in the Karafuto economy. The local landscape made it difficult and costly to build logistical routes, which was unprofitable given the economic crisis and warfare on the mainland. As a result, most of the coal mines built in Karafuto were located on the coast, where a port was usually constructed to load the resources onto ships. By 1941, the coal production of the region accounted for 9% of the total in the Japanese Empire 14 . In addition, during the Japanese presence, the overall number of coal mines established was 36 15 . The process of industrialization could not but affect the rate of population growth. While in the first fifteen years of Karafuto’s existence the total number of residents grew to approximately 91 thousand, the 1920s witnessed a doubling of immigration pace. Amid the economic crisis in the first half of the 1930s, the influx of citizens declined, but began to pick up again by the end of the decade. Southern Sakhalin during the governorship of Karafuto (1905-1945)]. Pervie kraevedcheskie chteniya, 1. P.149. 13 Ibid. 14 Bazhenova, J. Op. cit. P.159. 15 Potnyagina, A. (2021). Cellulozno-bumazhnie kombinati perioda Karafuto. Ih rol v formirovanii gorodov [Pulp-paper mills during the period of Karafuto. Their role in the formation of cities]. Novie idei novogo veka, 1. P.300.
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