Япония: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024
«ISSUES In 1907, a of three majo before the Rus of population becoming the fertile plain, development. port. Based on economy, it wa centers. The deve of the demogr fishery and ag continued to c the late 1910s, improving the e above. In 1929, Station of the chō chūō shiken 16 Hara, T. Op. cit. OF JAPANOLOGY, vol. 10» St-Petersburg State Univ 2024 473 dministrative reform resulted in the designa r centers. Ōtomari 大泊 was the largest so-Japanese War, which led to a great incr due to its convenient location. Toyohara 豊 capital of the region in 1908, was located which should have encouraged agricult Maoka 真岡 had the second most impor the predominant fishery and agriculture in s natural that they became the administra Population of Karafuto (1906-1940) 16 lopment of industry was eventually a way aphic issue of permanent population. Altho riculture did not disappear completely ontribute to the economy of Karafuto. Ba research stations were opened, engagin fficiency of various economic areas, including they were united into the Central Experime Karafuto Agency ( 樺太庁中央試験所 Karaf jo ), combining cultural and research funct P.27. tion port ease 原 , on a ural tant the tive out ugh and ck in g in the ntal uto- ions.
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