Япония: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024
«ISSUES OF JAPANOLOGY, vol. 10» St-Petersburg State Univ 2024 475 Seasonable fishing, in the opinion of the central government, could not provide stable economic growth, that is why for the first fifteen years the emphasis was placed on agriculture. Only with the outbreak of World War I, due to the cessation of supplies from Europe, the gradual industrialization and integration into the overall system of the Japanese Empire began, eventually solving the initial demographic issue of permanent population. References 1. Bazhenova, J. (2021). Karafuto v istorii Yaponskoy colonial- noy imperii [Karafuto in the history of the Japanese colonial empire]. Rossiya i ATR, 1, p.146-167. 2. Burykin, A. (2010). Politica yaponskogo pravitelstva po formi- rovaniyu postoyannogo naseleniya yuga Sakhalina (1905- 1945) [The policy of the Japanese Government on the formation of a permanent population in the south of Sakhalin (1905-1945)]. Sociologiya vlasti, 6, p.159-165. 3. Hara, T. (2017). Karafuto 40-nen no rekishi. 40-man nin no furusato [40 years of Karafuto history. Homeland of 400,000 people]. Tokyo: Zenkoku Karafuto Renmei. 4. Itani, H. (2007). Saharin no naka ni Nihon. Toshi to kenchiku [Japan inside Sakhalin. Cities and architecture]. Tokyo: Tōyō shoten. 5. Nakayama, T. (2022). Novoe razvitie v lesnom i selskom hozyaistve Karafuto v 1930-1940 [New developments in forestry and agriculture in Karafuto in 1930-1940]. Vestnik Sakhalinskogo muzeya, 2, p.30-49. 6. Potnyagina, A. (2021). Cellulozno-bumazhnie kombinati perioda Karafuto. Ih rol v formirovanii gorodov [Pulp- paper mills during the period of Karafuto. Their role in the formation of cities]. Novie idei novogo veka, 1, p.300-306.
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