Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 526 Charpin D. Histoire politique du Proche-Orient Amorrite (2002‒1595) // Mesopotamien: Die altbabylonische Zeit. Freiburg Schweiz, 2004. P. 25‒403. Charvat P. Mesopotamia before History. London; New York, 2002. Cocquerillat D. Les prébendes patrimoniales dans les temples à l’époque de la Ire dynastie de Babylone // Revue internationale des droits de l’antiquité. 1955. 3e série. Tome II. Cohen A. C. Death Rituals, Ideology, and the Development of Early Mesopotamian Kingship. Leiden; Boston, 2005. Collon D. with contributions by C. B. F. Walker, M. Sax. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Cylinder Seals III. Isin/Larsa and Old Babylonian Periods. London, 1986. Cooper J. S. Gilgames and Agga: a review article // JCS. 1981. 33. P. 224‒241. Cooper J. S. Reconstructing History from Ancient Inscriptions: The Lagash-Umma Border Conflict. Malibu, 1983. (SANE 2/1.) Cooper J. S. The Curse of Agade. Baltimore, 1983. Cooper J. S. Sumerian and Akkadian Royal Inscriptions. Vol. 1. Presargonic Inscriptions. AOS, 1986. Cooper J. S. Divine Kingship in Mesopotamia, a Fleeting Fenomenon // Religion and Power. Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond / N. Brisch (ed.). Chicago, 2008. Cooper J. S. Blind Workmen, Weaving Women and Prostitutes in Third Millennium Babylonia // CDLN 2010-005. 2010. Curtis J. B. , Hallo W. W. Money and Merchants in Ur III // HUCA. 1959. XXX. P. 103‒112. Dahl J. L. The Ruling Family of Ur III Umma: A Prosopographical Analysis of an Elite Family in Southern Iraq 4000 Years Ago // Publications de l’Institut historique et archéologique néerlan- dais de Stamboul 108. Leiden, 2007. Dahl J. I. A Babylonian Gang of Potters. Reconstructing of Social Organization of Crafts Produc- tion in the late Third Millennium BC Southern Mesopotamia // City Administration in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 53 Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Vol. 2. Winona Lake, Indiana, 2010. P. 275‒306. Deimel A. Sumerisches Lexicon. Pantheon Babylonicum. Rome, 1950. Dijk J. van. Une insurrection générale au pays de Larsa avant l’avènement de Nur-Adad // JCS. 1965. 19. P. 1‒25. Dittmann R. Seals. Sealing and Tablets: Thoughts on the Changing Pattern of Administrative Control from the Late Uruk to the Proto-Elamite Period at Susa // Gemdet Nasr: Period or Regional Style? / U. Finkbeiner, W. Röllig (eds). Wiesbaden, 1986. P. 332‒366. Donbaz V. , Sauren H. NI 2553+2556, a Missing Link of the Hammurabi Law-Code // Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. 1991. V. 22. P. 5‒26. Donbaz V. , Yoffe N. Old Babylonian Texts from Kish // BM. 1986. 17. Driel G. van. Care of the Elderly: the Neo-Babylonian Period // The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East. Leiden, 1998. P. 161‒198. Driel G. van. Jebel Aruda: Variations on a late Uruk domestic theme // J. N. Postgate (ed.). Arte- facts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East, British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Warminster, 2002. P. 191‒205. Dyckhoff C. Balmunamhe von Larsa, eine altbabylonische Existenz zwischen Okonomie, Kultus, und Wissenschaft // Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented at the 43rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Prague, July 1‒5, 1996 / J. Prosecky (ed.). Praha, 1998. P. 117‒124. Edzard D. O. Die ‘Zwiete Zwischenzeit’ Babyloniens. Wiesbaden, 1957.