Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

527 Краткая библиография Edzard D. O. Sumerer und Semiten in der fruhen Geschichte Mesopotamiens // IXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Genève, 20‒23 juin 1960. Aspects du contact suméro-akkadien. Geneva, 1960. P. 242–248. Edzard D. O. Kudur-mabuk // RLA. 1983. 6. P. 267. Edzard D. O. Sargon’s Report on Kish. A Problem in Akkadian Philology // Ah, Assyria. Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Hayim Tadmor / M. Cogan, I. Eph`al (eds). Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1991. Englund R. K. Administrative Timekeeping in Ancient Mesopotamia // JESHO. 1988. 31. P. 121‒185. Englund R. K. Organization and Verwaltung der Ur-III Ficherei. Berlin, 1990. (BBVO 10.) Englund R. K. Hard Work ―Where Will It Get You? Labor Management in Ur III Mesopotamia // JNES. 1992. 50. P. 255‒280. Englund R. K. Late Uruk Period Cattle and Dairy Products: Evidence from Proto-cuneiform Sources // Bulletin of Sumerian Agriculture VIII. Cambridge, 1995. P. 33‒48. Englund R. K. Texts from the late Uruk period, in Späturuk-Zeit und Frühdynastische Zeit / P. Attinger, M. Wäfler (eds). Freiburg; Göttingen, 1998. Englund R. K. The Smell of the Cage // CDLJ 2009-4. Falkenstein A. Die Neusumerischen Gerichtsurkunden. Munich, 1956. Ferwerda G. Th. A Contribution to the Early Isin Archive. Leiden, 1985. Feuerherm K. G. Abum-waqar Son of Iddin-Erra and His Circle: A Prosopographical Study. Thesis (PhD). University of Toronto, 2004. Figulla H. H. , Martin W. J. Letters and Documents of the Old Babylonian Period. London, 1953. (UET 5). Finkelstein J. J. The Genealogy of Hammurapi Dynasty // JCS. 1966. 20/3. P. 95‒118. Fitzgerald M. A. The Rulers of Larsa. Dissertation (PhD). Yale University, 2002. Foster B. R. Commercial activity in Sargonic Mesopotamia // Iraq. 1977. 39. P. 31‒43. Foster B. R. A New Look at the Sumerian Temple State // JESHO. 1981. 24/3. P. 225‒241. Foster B. R. Administration and Use of Institutional Land in Sargonic Sumer. Copenhagen, 1982. (Mesopotamia 9.) Foster B. R. Archives and Record-keeping in Sargonic Mesopotamia // ZA. 1982a. 72. P. 1–27. Foster B. R. An Agricultural Archive from Sargonic Akkad // ASJ. 1982b. 4. P. 7–51. Foster B. R. Umma in the Sargonic Period. Hamden, Connecticut, 1982c. Foster B. R. People, Land and Produce in Sargonic Gasur // Studies on the civilization and culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians 2 / D. I. Owen, M. A. Morrison (eds). Winona Lake, 1987. P. 89–107. (General studies and Excavations at Nuzi, 9, 1.) Foster B. R. A Sargonic Archive from the Lagash Region // Dumu E2-dub-ba-a. Studies in Honor of Ake W. Sjoberg / H. Behrens et al. (eds). Philadelphia University Museum, 1989. P. 155–165. (Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 11.) Foster B. R. “International” Trade at Sargonic Susa (Susa in the Sargonic Period III) // Altorien- talische Forschungen. 1993. 20/1. P. 59‒68. Foster B. R . Management and Administration in Sargonic Period // Akkad: The First World Empire / M. Liverani (ed.). Padua, 1993a. P. 25–39. Foster B. R. Early Mesopotamian Land Sales // JAOS. 1994. 114/3. P. 440‒452. Frangipane M. Centralization Processes in Greater Mesopotamia: Uruk Expansion as the Climax of Systematic Interactions among Areas of the Greater Mesopotamian Region // Uruk Meso- potamia and its Neighbors: Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Era of State Formation. Santa Fe, 2001.