Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 528 Frangipane M. Non-Uruk Developments and Uruk-linked Features on the Northern Borders of Greater Mesopotamia // Artifacts of Complexity. 2002. P. 123–148. Frangipane M. Different Types of Egalitarian Societies and the Development of Inequality in Early Mesopotamia // World Archaeology. June 2007. Vol. 39. N 2. P. 151‒176. Frangipane M. Different models of power structuring at the rise of hierarchical societies in the Near East: Primary economy versus luxury and defence management // The Development of Pre-state Communities in the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg / D. Bolger, L. C. Maguire (eds). Oxford, UK, 2010. P. 79‒87. Franke J. C. Presentation Seals of the Ur III/Isin-Larsa Period // Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Malibu, 1977. P. 61‒66. (BM 6.) Frayne D. R. A Struggle for Water: A Case Study from the Historical Records of the Cities Isin and Larsa (1900–1800 BC) // The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin. Univer­ sity of Toronto, 1989. 17. P. 17–28. al-Gailani Werr L . Chronological Table of Old Babylonian Seal Impressions // Bulletin of the In- stitute of Archaeology. University of London, 1980. 17. P. 33–38. Gelb I. J. The ancient Mesopotamian ration system // JNES. 1965. 24. P. 230‒243. Gelb I. J. An Old Babylonian List of Amorites // JAOS. 1968. 88. P. 39‒46. Gelb I. J. On the Alleged Temple and State Economies in Ancient Mesopotamia // Studi in Onore di Edouardo Volterra. Roma, 1969. 6. P. 137‒154. Gelb I. J. Household and family in early Mesopotamia // State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East I / E. Lipinski (ed.). Louvain, 1976. Р. 1‒97. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 5.) Gelb I. J. Typology of Mesopotamian Seal Inscriptions // Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Malibu, 1977. P. 107‒127. (BM 6.) Gelb I. J. Ebla and the Kish Civilization // La Lingua di Ebla / L. Cagni (ed.). Naples. 1981. P. 9–73. Gelb I. J. Mari and the Kish Civilization // Man in Retrospect / G. D. Young (ed.). Winona Lake, 1992. P. 121‒202. Gelb I. J , Steinkeller P. , Whiting R. M. Earliest Land Tenure Systems in the Near East. University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications. Vol. 104. Chicago, 1991. George A. The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1999. P. 195‒208. Gibson McG. The City and Area of Kish. Field Research Projects / H. Fields, E. M. Laird (eds). Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida, 1972. Gibson McG. Summation // Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Malibu, 1977. P. 147. (BM. 6.) Gibson McG. The Dead Hand of Deimel // SAOC. 2010. 63. P. 85‒92. Glassner J.-J. Mesopotamian Chronicles. Atlanta, 2004. (Writings from the Ancient World. 19.) Goddeeris Anne. Economy and Society in Northern Babylonia in the Early Old Babylonian Period. Leuven; Paris; Sterling; Virginia, 2002. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 109.) Goetze A. Sin-iddinam of Larsa: New Tablets from His Reign // JCS. 1950. 4. P. 83‒118. Goetze A. The Laws of Eshnunna. New Haven, 1956. Goetze A. Šakkanakkus of the Ur III Empire // JCS. 1963. 42/1. P. 1‒31. Goetze A . The Archive of Atta from Nippur // JCS. 1964. 18. P. 102–113. Grant E . Babylonian Business Documents of the Classical Period. Philadelphia (EG), 1919. Grayson A. K. Konigsiisten und Chroniken // RLA. 1980‒1983. 6. P. 86‒136. Hallo W. W. New Texts from the Reign of Sin-iddinam // JCS. 1967. 21. P. 95‒99. Hallo W. W. The House of Urmeme // JNES. 1972. 31. P. 87‒95. Hallo W. W. The Royal Correspondence of Larsa: I. A Sumerian Prototype for the Prayer of He- zekiah? // Kramer Anniversary Volume / B. Eichler (ed.). Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1976.