Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 530 Klein J. The God Martu in Sumerian Literature // Sumerian Gods and Their Representations / I. L. Finkel, M. J. Geller (eds). Groningen, 1997. P. 99‒116. (Cuneiform Monographs, 7.) Klein J. A New Look at the “Opression of Uruk” Episode in the Gilgameš Epic // Riches Hidden in Secret Places. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen / Tz. Abusch (ed.). Winona Lake, Indiana, 2002. P. 187‒201. Klein J. From Agade to Samaria. The Inflationary Price of Barley in Situations of Famine // Stud- ies in Economic and Social History of the Ancient Near East in Memory of Péter Vargyas. Budapest, 2014. P. 167‒180. (Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean Studies 2.) Koslova N. Bezeihungen der Arbeitskräfte in Umma der Ur III-Zeit // Proceedings of the First and Second Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. London, July 10, 2003 and Chicago, July 19, 2005 / Steven J. Garfinkle, J. Cale Johnson (eds). Madrid, 2008. P. 149‒206. Kramer S. N. The Ur-Nammu Law Code: Who was Its Author? // Or. 1983. 52/3. P. 453‒456. Kraus F. R. Ein Edict des Künigs Ammi-saduqa von Babylon. Leiden, 1958. Kraus F. R. Staatliche Viehhaltung im Altbabylonischen Lande Larsa. Amsterdam, 1966. Krebernik M. Die Texte aus Fara und Tell Abū Salabih // Bauer J., Englund R. K., Krebernik M. Mesopotamien: Späturuk-Zeit und Frühdynastische Zeit. Freiburg, 1998. P. 237‒427. Kupper J. R. Les nomades en Mésopotamie au temps des rois de Mari. Paris, 1957. Kupper J. R. L’iconographie du dieu Amurru dans la glyptique de la 1re dynastie babylonienne. Bruxelles, 1961. Lafont B. The Army of the Kings of Ur: The Textual Evidence // CDLJ 2009-5. Lafont B. , Westbrook R. Neo-Sumerian Period (Ur III) // A History of the Ancient Near Eastern Law / R. Westbrook (ed.). Boston; Leiden, 2003. P. 183‒226. Lafont B. Raymond Westbrook, Neo-Sumerian Period. Ur III // A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. V. 1 / R. Westbrook (ed.). Leiden; Boston, 2003. P. 183‒226. Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C. The Archaeological Evidence for International Commerce: Public and/ or Private Enterprise in Mesopotamia // Privatisation in the Ancient Near East and Classical World / M. Hudson, B. Levine (eds). Harvard USA, 1996. P. 73‒108. Landsberger B. Three Essays on the Sumerians. Los Angeles, 1974. (Monographs on the Ancient Near East. 1/2.) Legrain L. , Woolley L. Cylinder Seals. London, 1951. (Ur Excavations. V. 10. London, 1951.) Leemans W. F. The Old-Babylonian Merchant. His Business and Social Position. Leiden, 1950. Leemans W. F. Legal and Economic Records from the Kingdom of Larsa. Leiden, 1954. Leemans W. F. Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period. Leiden, 1960. Leemans W. F. Legal and Administrative Documents of the Time of Hammurapi and Samsuiluna (mainly from Lagaba). Leiden, 1960. Levine B. A. , Hallo W. W. Offerings to the Temple Gates at Ur // HUCA. 1967. 38. P. 17–58. Liverani M. (ed.). Akkad: The First World Empire. Padova, 1993. Liverani M. Uruk. The First City. London, 2006. Lloyd S., Safar F. Tell Uqair. Excavations by the Iraq Government Directorate of Antiquities in 1940 and 1941 // JNES. 1943. 2. P. 131–158. Lloyd S., Safar F. Eridu // Sumer. 1947. 3. P. 84–111. Lloyd S., Safar F. Eridu: A Preliminary Communications on the Second Season’s Excavations 1947–1948 // Sumer. 1948. 4. P. 115–112. Loding D. Old Babylonian Texts from Ur, 1 // JCS. 1976. 28. P. 233‒242. Loding D. Two Old Babylonian Texts from Ur // Studies in Honor of Ake Sjoberg. Philadilphia, 1989. P. 367‒369.