Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 532 Mieroop M. van de . Society and Enterprise in Old Babylonian Ur. Berlin, 1992. Mieroop M. van de. Sheep and Goat Herding According to the Old Babylonian Texts from Ur // Bulletin of Sumerian Agriculture. 1992а. V. 7. P. 161‒181. Mieroop M. van de. The Reign of Rim-Sin // RA. 1993. N 87. Р. 47–69. Mieroop M. van de . The city in Ancient Mesopotamia // Terceira margem. Revista da pós-gradua­ ção em letras da UFRJ, ano III/3. 1995. P. 97‒103. Mieroop M. van de. Foreign Contacts and the Rise of an Elite in Early Dynastic Babylonia // Leaving No Stones Unturned / E. Ehrenberg (ed.). Winona Lake, Indiana, 2002. P. 125‒ 137. Mieroop M. van de. A History of the Ancient Near East. NY, 2004. Neumann H. Slavery in Private Households toward the End of the Third Millennium B. C. // Slaves and Households in the Near East / L. Culberston (ed.). Chicago, Illinois, 2011. P. 21‒32. Nissen H. J. The Development of Writing and of Glyptic Art // Gamdat Nasr / U. Finkbeiner, W. Rollig (eds). Wiesbaden, 1986. P. 316‒331. Nissen H. J. The Early History of the Ancient Near East 9000‒2000. Chicago, 1988. Nissen H. J. Settlement Patterns and Material Culture of the Akkadian Period: Continuity and Discontinuity // Akkad: The First World Empire / M. Liverani (ed.). Padova, 1993. P. 91– 106. Nissen H. J. Cultural and political networks in the ancient Near East during the fourth and third millennia BC // Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors. Santa Fe, 2001. P. 149–180. Nissen H. J. Uruk Key Site of the Period and Key Site of the Problem // Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East / J. N. Postgate (ed.). Warminster, 2002. P. 1‒16. Oates J . Religion and ritual in sixth-millennium B. C. Mesopotamia // World Archaeology. 1978. 10(2). P. 117–124. Oates J . Ubeid Reconsidered. Hilly Flanks and Beyond. Essays on the Prehistory of Southwestern Asia // SAOC. 1982. 36. P. 251‒281. Oates J. Innovations inmud-brick: decorative and structural techniques in ancient Mesopotamia // World Archaeology. 1990. 21. P. 388‒406. Oates J . More Thoughts on the Ubeid Period // SAOC. 2010. 63. P. 45‒50. Oppenheim L. Letters from Mesopotamia. Chicago, 1970. Ormsby D. L. An Old Babylonian Business Archive of Historical Interest // JCS. 1972. 24. P. 89‒ 99. Ouyang X . Administration of the Irrigation Fee in Umma During the Ur III Period (ca. 2112‒2004 BCE) // City Administration in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre As- syriologique Internationale. V. 2. Winona Lake, Indiana. 2010. P. 317‒350. Pollock S. Of Priestesses, Princes and Poor Relations: The Dead in the Royal Cemetry of Ur // Cambridge Archaeological Journal. 1991. 1. P. 171‒189. Pollock S. Bureaucrats and managers, peasants and pastoralists, imperialists and traders: Research in the Uruk and Jemdet Nasr periods in Mesopotamia // Journal of World Prehistory. 1992. 5(3). P. 297–336. Pollock S. Ancient Mesopotamia: the Eden That Never Was. Cambridge, UK, 1999. Pollock S. The Royal Cemetery of Ur. Ritual, Tradition, and the Creation of Subjects // Represen- tation of Political Power / M. Heinz, M. H. Feldman (eds). Winona Lake, Indiana, 2007. P. 89‒110. Pollock S. Practices of Daily Life in Fifth Millennium B. C. Iran and Mesopotamia // SAOC. 2010. 63. P. 93‒112.