Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 534 Rothman M. S. Sealings Use and Changes in Administrative Oversight and Structure at Tepe Gawra during the Fourth Millennium // Archives Before Writing / P. Ferioli (ed.). Rome, 1994a. P. 19‒121. Safar F., Mustafa M. A., Lloyd S. Eridu. Baghdad, 1981. Sallaberger W. Ur III-Zeit // Sallaberger W., Westenholz A. Mesopotamien: Akkad Zeit und Ur III Zeit / P. Attinger, M. Wäfler (hrsg.). Freiburg, Switzerland; Göttingen, 1999. P. 121‒390. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 160.) Schmandt-Besserat D. Before Writing. Vols. I‒II. Austin, 1992. Selz G. J. Studies in Early Syncretism: the Development of the Pantheon in Lagash // ASJ. 1990. 12. 1990. P. 11‒142. Selz G. J. The Divine Prototypes // Religion and Power. Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond / N. Brisch (ed.). Chicago, Illinois, 2008. P. 13‒33. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Oriental Institute Seminars. N 4.) Seltz G. J. He put in order the accounts. Remarks on the Early Dynastic Background of the Admi- nistrative Reorganizations in the Ur III State // City Administration in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 53 Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. V. 2. Winona Lake, Indiana, 2010. P. 5‒30. Seri A. Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia // Studies in Egyptology and the Ancient Near East. London, 2005. Sharlach T. M. Provincial Taxation in the Ur III state. Leiden; Boston, 2004. (Cuneiform Mono- graphs 26.) Sigrist R. M. Les sattukku dans l’Esumesa durant la période d’Isin et Larsa. Malibu, 1984. (BM 11.) Sigrist R. M. Larsa Year Names. Berrien Springs, Michigan, 1990. Smith M. E. The Archaeological Studies of Neighborhoods and Districts in Ancient Cities // Jour- nal of Anthropological Archaeology. 2010. 29 (2). P. 137‒154. Stamm J. J. Die akkadische Namengebung. Darmstadt, 1968 (original edn. Leipzig, 1939). Stein G. J. Economy, Ritual, and Power in Ubeid Mesopotamia // Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East / G. Stein, M. Rothman (eds). Madison, 1994. P. 35‒46. (Monographs in World Archaeology 18.) Stein G. J. Rethinking World-Systems: Diasporas, Colonies, and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia. Tucson, 1999. Stein G. J. The Uruk Expunsion in Anatolia: A Mesopotamian Colony and Its Indigenous Host Community at Hasinebi. Turkey // Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East / J. N. Postgate (ed.). Warminster, 2002. P. 149–172. Stein G. J. Structural parameters and sociocultural factors in the economic organization of north Mesopotamian urbanism in the third millennium BC // Archaeological Perspectives on Politi- cal Economies / G. M. Feinman, L. M. Nicholas (eds). Salt Lake City, 2004. P. 61‒78. Steinkeller P. Notes brèves // RA. 1979. 73. P. 190. Steinkeller P. The Renting of Fields in Early Mesopotamia and the Development of the Concept of “Interest” in Sumerian // JESHO. 1981. 24. P. 113‒145. Steinkeller P. The Reforms of UruKAgina and an Early Sumerian Term for “Prison” // Aula Orientalis. Vol. 9. Studies in Honor of M. Civil / P. Mihalowski, P. Steinkeller, E. C. Stone (eds). Barcelona, 1991. P. 227‒233. Steinkeller P. The Administrative and Economic Organization of the Ur III State: the Core and the Periphery // The Organization of Power: Aspects of Bureaucracy in the Ancient Near East / M. Gibson, R. D. Biggs (eds). Chicago, 1987. P. 19‒41.