Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

535 Краткая библиография Steinkeller P. Review: Foster B. Umma in the Sargonic Period // Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 1987b. Bd. 77. P. 182‒195. Steinkeller P. The Date of Gudea and His Dynasty // JCS. 1988. 40. P. 47‒53. Steinkeller P. Early Political Development in Mesopotamia and the Origin of Sargonic Empire // Akkad. The First World Empire / M. Liverani (ed.). Padova, 1993. P. 107‒130. Steinkeller P. The Organization of Crafts in Third MillenniumMesopotamia: The Case of Potters // Altorientalische Forschungen. 1996. 23/2. P. 232‒253. Steinkeller P. Land-Tenure Conditions in Third-Millennium Babylonia: The Problem of Regional Variation // Uirbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East / M. Hadson, B. Levine (eds). Cambridge, 1999. P. 289‒329. Steinkeller P. New Light on the Hydrology and Topography of Southern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium // ZA. 2001. 91. P. 22‒80. Steinkeller P. Archaic City Seals and the Question of Early Babylonian Unity // Riches Hidden in Secret Places. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen / Tz. Abush (ed.). Winona Lake, Indiana, 2002. P. 249‒257. Steinkeller P. Archival Practices in Babylonia in the Third Millennium // Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions. Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents / M. Brosius (ed.). Oxford, 2003. P. 37‒58. Steinkeller P. A History of Mashkan-shapir and its Role in the Kingdom of Larsa // The Anatomy of a Mesopotamian City: Survey and Soundings at Mashkan-shapir / E. C. Stone, P. Zimansky (eds). Winona Lake, Indiana, 2004. P. 26‒42. Stol M. Studies in Old Babylonian History. Leiden, 1976. Stol M. State and Private Business in the Land of Larsa // JCS. 1982. 34. P. 127–230. Stol M. A cultivation contract // Bulletin of Sumerian Agriculture. 1990. 5/2. P. 197‒200. Stol M. [Review:] Old Babylonian Period (Frayne) // Bibliotheca Orientalis. 1994. 51. P. 109‒113. Stol M. Care of the Elderly in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period // The Care of the El- derly in the Ancient Near East / M. Stol, S. P. Vleeming (eds). Leiden, 1998. P. 59‒118. Stone E. C. Economic Crisis and Social Upheaval in Old Babylonian Nippur // Mountains and Lowlands / L. D. Levine, T. Cuyler-Young (eds). Malibu, 1977. P. 267‒289. (BM 7.) Stone E. C. Nippur Neighborhoods. Chicago, 1987. Stone E. C. Patterns of Occupation at Nippur // Nippur at the Centennial / M. De J. Ellis (ed.). Philadelphia, 1992. P. 33‒54. Stone E. C. The Development of Cities in Ancient Mesopotamia // The Ancient Near East. Vol. I / J. Sasson (ed.). New York, 1995. P.  235‒248. Stone E. C. City States and their Centers: The Mesopotamian Example // The Archaeology of City States: Cross-Cultural Approaches / D. L. Nichols, T. H. Charleton (eds). Washington, 1997. P. 15‒26. Stone E. C. The Ur III-Old Babylonian Transition: An Archaeological Perspective // Iraq. 2002. Vol. 64. P. 79‒84. Stone E. C. , Owen D. I. Adoption in Old Babylonian Nippur and the Archive of Mannum-mešu- liṣṣur. Winona Lake, Indiana, 1991. Stone E. C ., Zimanski P . (eds) The Anatomy of a Mesopotamian City: Survey and Soundings at Mashkan-shapir. Winona Lake, Indiana, 2004. Struve V. V. Some New Data on the Organization of Labour and on Social Structure in Sumer During the Reign of the Third Dynasty of Ur // Ancient Mesopotamia: Socio-Economic His- tory, a Collection of Studies by Soviet Scholars / I. Diakonoff (ed.). Moskow, 1969. P. 127‒ 172.