Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 536 Studevent-Hickman B. The Workforce at Umma: Some New Questions // The growth of an Early State in Mesopotamia: studies in Ur III administration: proceedings of the First and Second Ur III Workshops at the 49th and 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. London, July 10, 2003 and Chicago, July 19, 2005 / S. J. Garfinkle, J. C. Johnson (ed.). Madrid, 2008. P. 141‒146. Tenney J. S. Life at the Bottom of Babylonian Society. Servile Laborers at Nippur in the 14th and 13th Centuries B. C. Leiden; Boston, 2011. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East. V. 51.) Veenhof K. R. Letters in the Louvre. Leiden; Boston, 2005. (Altbabylonische Briefe. Heft XIV.) Vedeler H. T. A Social and Economic Survey of the Reign of Samsuiluna of Babylon (1749‒1712 BCE). Dissertation (PhD). Yale University, 2006. Veldhuis N. Old Babylonian Documents in the Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley // RA. 2008. 102. P. 49‒70. Visicato G. The Bureaucracy of Šuruppak. Administrative Centres, Central Offices, Intermediate Structures and Hierarchis in the Economic Documentation of Fara. Münster, 1995. Waetzoldt H. Compensation of the Craft Workers and Officials in the Ur III Period // Labor in the Ancient Near East / M. A. Powell (ed.). New Haven, 1987. P. 117‒141. (American Oriental Series 68.) Walters S. D. Water for Larsa. An Old Babylonian Archive Dealing with Irrigation. New Haven; London, 1970. Wang X. The Metamorphosis of Enlil in Early Mesopotamia. Münster, 2011. (Alter Orient and Altes Testament. Band 385.) Weeks N. The Old Babylonian Amorites: Nomads or Mercenaries? // Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. 1985. 16. P. 49‒57. Weiss H. Kish, Akkad and Agade // JAOS. 1975. 95, 3. P. 434‒453. Westenholz A. The Sargonic Period // Circulation of Goods in Non-Palatial Context in the Ancient Near East / A. Archi (ed.). Roma, 1984. P. 17‒30. Westenholz A. Lugalzagesi // Reallexicon der Assyriologie. Vol. 7. Berlin, 1987‒1990. P. 155‒157. Westenholz A. The World View of Sargonic Officials. Differences in Mentality Between Sumerians and Akkadians // Akkad. The First World Empire / M. Liverani (ed.). Padova, 1993. P. 157–170. Westenholz A. The Old Akkadian Period: History and Culture // W. W. Sallaberger, A. Westenholz. Mesopotamien: Akkad Zeit und Ur III Zeit / P. Attinger, M. Wäfler (hrsg.). Freiburg, Switzer- land; Göttingen, 1999. P. 15‒120. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 160.) Westenholz J. The Legends of the Kings of Akkade. Winona Lake, 1997. Westenholz J. , Westenholz A. Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collection of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem. The Old Babylonian Inscriptions. Leiden; Boston, 2006. (Cuneiform Monographs. V. 33.) Whiting R. M. Sealing Practices on House and Land Sale Documents at Eshnunna in the Isin- Larsa Period // Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East / M. Gibson, R. D. Biggs (eds). Malibu, 1977. P. 67‒74. (BM 6.) Whiting R. M. Old Babylonian Letters from Tell Asmar. Chicago, 1987. (AS 22.) Whiting R. M. Amorite Tribes and Nations of Second Millennium Western Asia // Civilizations of the ancient Near East. Vol. 2 / J. M. Sasson (ed.). New York, 1995. P. 1231–1242. Widell M. A Previously Unpublished Lawsuit from Ur III Adab // CDLJ. 2002. Wilcke C. Politische Opposition nach sumerischen Quellen: der Konflikt zwischen Königtum und Ratversammlung. Literaturwerke als politische Tendenzschriften // La voix de l’opposition en Mésopotamie / A. Finet (ed.). Brussels, 1973. P. 37‒65.