Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Краткая библиография Wilcke C. Amar-girids Revolte gegen Narâm-Su’en // ZA. 1997. Bd. 87. S. 11‒32. Wilcke C. Care of the Elderly in Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium B. C. // The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East / M. Stol, S. P. Vleeming (eds). Leiden; Boston; Koln, 1998. P. 23‒58. Wilcke C. Early Dynastic and Sargonic Periods // A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. V. 1 / R. Westbrook (ed.). Leiden; Boston, 2003. P. 141‒182. Winter I. Legitimation of Authority through Image and Legend: Seals Belonging to Officials in the Administrative Bureaucracy of the Ur III State // The Organization of Power: Aspects of Bureaucracy in the Ancient Near East / M. Gibson, R. D. Biggs (eds). Chicago, 1987. P. 69‒106. (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 46.) Woolley L. Ur Excavations II. The Royal Cemetery. London, 1934. Woolley L. The Buildings of the Third Dynasty. Philadelphia, 1974. (Ur Excavations. Vol. 6.) Woolley L. The Old Babylonian Period. Philadelphia, 1976. (Ur Excavations. Vol. 7.) Wright H. T. The Administration of Rural Production in an Early Mesopotamian Town. Ann Arbor, 1969. Wright H. T. Recent research on the origin of the state // Annual Review of Anthropology. 1977. V. 6. P. 379–397. Wright H. T. , Johnson G. A. Population, exchange, and early state formation in Southwestern Iran // American Anthropologist. 1975. V. 77. P. 267‒289. Uchitel A . Daily Work at Sagdana Millhouse // ASJ. 1984. 6. P. 75–98. Zarins J. Early Pastoral Nomadism and the Settlement of Lower Mesopotamia // BASOR. 1990. Vol. 280. P. 31‒65. Zettler R. L . The Sargonic Royal Seal: a Consideration of Sealing in Mesopotamia // Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East / M. Gibson, R. D. Biggs (eds). Malibu, 1977. P. 33‒40. (BM 6.) Zettler R. L. The Genealogy of the House of Ur-Me-me: A Second Look // AfO. 1984. 31. P. 1‒14. Zettler R. L. The Ur III Temple of Innana at Nippur: The Operation and Organization of Urban Religious Institutions in Mesopotamia in the Late Third Millennium B. C. Berlin, 1992. Zettler R. L. Early Dynastic Mesopotamia // Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur / R. Zettler, L. Horne (eds). Philadelphia, 1998. P. 1‒9.