Лао Шэ и проблема национального характера в китайской литература XX века

259 463. Bady P. Pekin ou le microcosme dans “Quatre generations sous un meme toit” de Lao She // T’oung Pao, 1974. – V. 60. – Libr. 4/5, P. 304-327. 464. Birch C. Lao She: The Humourist in His Humour // The China Quaterly, 1961. - № 8. - P. 44-62 465. Bishop J.L. Some Limitations of Chinese Fiction // Studies in Chinese Literature (Ed. by John L.Bishop). - Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1965. - 245 p. 466. Chin A.L.S. Family Relations in Modern Chinese Fiction// Family and Kinship in Chinese Society (Ed. by M.Freedman). - Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1970. - P. 87-120. 467. Grosholtorth P. Chinesen in London: Lao She’s Roman “Er Ma”. – Bochum: Studienverl. Brockmeyer, 1985. – 238 p. 468. Gunn E.M. Perceptions of Self and Values in Recent Chinese Literature // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 308-341. 469. Hanan P. The Fiction of Moral Duty: the Vernacular Story in the 1640s // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 189-213. 470. Hansen C. Punishment and Dignity in China // Individualism and Holism: Studies in Confucian and Taoist Values (Ed. by D.J.Munro). - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985. - P. 359-383. 471. Hegel R.E. An Exploration of the Chinese Literary Self // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 3- 30. 472. Hegel R.E. The Search for Identity in Fiction from Taiwan // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 342- 360. 473. Hessney R.C. Beyond Beauty and Talent: the Moral and Chivalric Self in “The Fortunate Union” // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 214-250.