Лао Шэ и проблема национального характера в китайской литература XX века

260 474. Ho D.Y.F. On the Concept of Face // American Journal of Sociology, 1975. - Vol. 81. - № 4. - P. 867-884. 475. Hsia C.T. A History of Modern Chinese Fiction. 1917-1957. - New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. – 662 p. 476. Hsu F.L.K. The Challenge of the American Dream: The Chinese in the United States. - Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1971. - 160 p. 477. Hu H.C. The Chinese Concepts of “Face” // American Anthropologist, 1944. - № 46 (January-March). - P. 45-64. 478. Hwang K.K. Face and Favor: The Chinese Power Game // American Journal of Sociology, 1987. - Vol. 92. - № 4. - P. 944- 974. 479. King A.Y.C. The Individual and Group in Confucianism: A Relational Perspective // Individualism and Holism: Studies in Confucian and Taoist Values (Ed. by D.J.Munro). - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985. - P. 57-70. 480. Lang O. Chinese Family and Society. -New Haven: Yale University Press, 1946. – 395p. 481. Lang O. Pa Chin and His Writings. Chinese Youth between the Two Revolutions. - Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1967. - 402 p. 482. Lao She. The Modern Chinese novel // Лао Шэ цюаньцзи ( Полное собрание сочинений Лао Шэ ). – Пекин : Изд - во “ Жэньминь вэньсюэ ”, 1999. – Т . 17. - С . 721-738. 483. Lau J.S.M. Duty, Reputation, and Selfhood in Traditional Chinese Narratives // Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature (Ed. by R.E.Hegel and R.C.Hessney). - N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1985. - P. 363-383. 484. Lee O.F.L. Romantic Individualism in Modern Chinese Literature: Some General Explorations// Individualism and Holism: Studies in Confucian and Taoist Values (Ed. by Donald J.Munro). - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985. - P. 239-256. 485. Lin Yutang. My Country and My People. - N.Y.: Reynal&Hitchcock, 1935. - 382 p. 486. Liu Wu-chi. An Introduction to Chinese Literature. - Bloomington-London: Indiana University Press, 1966. - 321 p.