Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее

119  В. Н. Семенова. О коллекции эфиопских магических свитков МАЭ РАН...  Сокращения МАЭ РАН Музей Антропологии и Этнографии Российской Академии Наук. About the CollectionoOf Ethiopian Magic Scrolls of the MAE RAS. Contribution by D. A. Olderogge Abstract: The article is dedicated to the professional activity of Dmitry A. Olderogge as a collector and gatherer with a special reference to his Ethiopian collection MAE No 6607, which includes two unique magic scrolls acquired by him during his visit to Ethiopia in 1968. In this year, Dm. A. Olderogge was awarded by the special prize of Emperor Haile Selassie I. These scrolls demand special study what is difficult now because of their safety. According to the previous descriptions of these items, they are decorated richly by the paintings of high level. Therefore, they appear to be early dated scrolls now known. The question is the circumstance of collecting such interesting objects by Dm. A. Olderogge who wasn’t the specialist in the fields of Ethiopic art, esp. talismanic art. By this reason, some part of the article presents short abstract of his collections now kept at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS. Total number of 13 collections are from Western, Central, North and East Africa. The collection of Ethiopian magic scrolls in the Museum is small, but representative. The first acquisition is of the beginning of the XX cent. Firstly, it was a gift of Russian physicians whoworked inAbyssinia in 1896– 1912. Secondly, it was a collection of the professor of Oriental studies Boris A. Turaev. From this point of view, the gathering of Dm. A. Olderogge seems not to be chance collection. Keywords: collection, MAE, Ethiopia, Olderogge, Haile Selassie, magic scroll, XVIII cent.