Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее
157 А. Ю. Желтов. Африканистика в Ленинграде-Петербурге 4. Сравнительные словари всех языков и наречий, собранные десницей всевысочайшей особы. Санкт-Петербург, 1787–1789. 5. Olderogge, D. А. The study of African languages in Russia. St. Petersburg Journal of African StudН. Иies, 1993. № 1. P. 113–123. African Studies in Leningrad-Petersburg Abstract: The article is an attempt to analyze the origins, development and specifics of Leningrad-Petersburg African studies. The first part of the article presents a short historical essay on the history of African studies in Leningrad-St. Petersburg, the interaction of the museum, scientific and university African studies tradition. In the second part, an attempt is made to analyze the problems of African Studies in the historical perspective and today, to trace the continuity of the stages of development of the study of Africa and determine their connection with socio-political discourse. Keywords: African studies, D. A. Olderogge, history of African studies, Leningrad-Petersburg, problems of African studies and modernity.
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