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101 И. А. Толстокулаков. Диахронный подход к преподаванию ... On the Diversity of Species in Korean Flora and Fauna I. A. Tolstokulakov Abstract. The article describes the typological features of the plant and animal worlds of Korea. The transitional specificity of Korean nature is determined as a combination of mainland forms (typical for continental regions of the country) with seaside forms on the East Asian coast of Pacific Ocean. The variety of natural conditions (geology and surface relief, climate, landscape and vegetation, altitude zone, etc.) determines the diversity of species in Korean flora and fauna both belonging to the Manchurian type. Korean flora typology is determined by its entering into East Asian Floristic Region of the Holarctic Kingdom of plants and animals. Most part of the country is located in a temperate vegetation belt and represents as zone of moderate type variable-humid monsoon forests. Country extreme south (the coast and islands in Korean Strait) is located in a subtropical belt and is considered as the northernmost part of the subtropical wet monsoon forests. Korean fauna typology is determined by the country’s location in East Asian region, which is a part of the Palearctic sub-kingdom of the Holarctic. The main attention is paid to the characteristic of the species composition of Manchurian type flora and fauna in Korea, both combining two phylogenetic variants: northern (boreal-subboreal) and southern (subtropical). Korean endemic plants and animals as well as endangered species are highlighted in the paper. Keywords: flora and fauna, species, species diversity, environmental conditions, Korea, Northeast Asia. О сновополагающей характеристикой комплекса природ- ных условий Кореи считается его переходность от форм материковых, типичных для континентальных районов Северо-Восточной Азии, к формам океаническим, свя- занным с природой восточноазиатского побережья и близ расположенных островов. В этом отношении страну можно