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291 About the Authors at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. KUKLA Marina : PhD in Economics. Associate professor at the Department of Korean Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. LOBOV Roman : Senior expert, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Moscow. POKHOLKOVA Ekaterina : Ph.D. in Linguistics. Docent, associate professor of the Oriental Languages Department, Dean of the Dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, Moscow State Linguistic University. TOLSTOKULAKOV Igor : Doctor of History. Professor at the Chair of Korean Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok. TSOY Inna : PhD in Literature. Associate professor, Department of Korean studies, Saint-Petersburg State University. VRADIY Sergey : PhD in History. Leading Research Fellow, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of Far-Eastern People, RAS FEB, Vladivostok.