Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

216 Eliava as ambassador but he could not go to Turkey due to his illness. Thus, Soviet Russia foreign affairs Officer Çiçerin sent a team led by Upmal An- garski. Upmal Angarski arrived in Erzurum on 31 August 1920 and met with Kâzım Karabekir Paşa. Later on Comrade Midivani (Budu Midivani) was appointed as Soviet Russian Ankara ambassador instead of Eliava. Midivani and his team arrived in Kars on 28 December 1920. 1 Turkish National Assembly Government appointed Ali Fuat (Cebesoy) Paşa as Moscow ambassador on 21 November 1920. Cebesoy left Ankara for Moscow at the beginning of December 1920 and arrived in Kars on 16 De- cember 1920. In Kars he met Soviet Ambassador Midivani who was on his way to Ankara. Turkish embassy team was met with ceremony in Moscow on 19 February 1921. 2 As a result of some discussions between Turkish embassy team and Soviet officials, Moscow Treaty was signed between Turkish Gov- ernment and Soviet Union on 16 March 1921. It was confirmed that a new period had started based on mutual friendship by this treaty. Just after signing Moscow Treaty, Soviet Government had appointed Comrade Natsarenus as ambassador to Ankara on 29 March 1921. 38 mem- bers of Embassy delegation led by second secretary Norman arrived in Trab- zon on 26 may 1921. 3 11 June Natsarenus and his entourage started their journey to Ankara from Amasya. Trabzon Russian Consulate and Intelligence department Although many foreign consulates were opened since 19th century in Trabzon, which was an important harbour city on the Iran commercial route, many of them had already been closed when Turkish Independence War started. Trabzon regained its importance when Turkish Government started friendly relations with Soviet Union. Transportation between Russia and Anatolia was organized via Trabzon most of time. Trabzon was also the first place which immigrants from Caucasians were passing through. Therefore, the Russian Consulate in Trabzon gained big importance at that time. The Bolsheviks opened the first Russian Consulate in Trabzon at the end of 1920 according to 24 August 1920 treaty. Although Tarakçıoğlu men- 1 Yavuz Aslan, Türkiye Komünist Fırkası’nın Kuruluşu ve Mustafa Suphi, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 1997, p. 290, footnote: 73, p.301, footnote: 93; Karabekir, Op.cit., p. 830. 2 Ali Fuat Cebesoy, Moskova Hatıraları, Ankara 1982, pp.152-154, 163-166. A. Şemsutdinov-Y.A.Bagirov, Bir Karagün Dostluğu Kurtuluş Savaşı Yıllarında Türkiye-Sovyetler Birliği İlişkileri, (Translated by: A. Hasanoğlu), İstanbul 1979, p.39. Tengirşek, Op.cit., pp.187-192. 3 Aralof, Op.cit., p.24. İstikbal newspaper(gazetesi) 27 May 1921, 314; 7 June 1921, 323.