Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

218 In June 1921 the Russian Councils Consul Oruc Ali and Head of Intelli- gent Bureau Jabrodini sent to Istikbal newspaper a disclaim of information quoted from French news agencies about Russia. It was requested that this disclaim should be published in appreciation of the Turkish-Soviet friend- ship. Similar disclaims prepared by the Consul and Head of Intelligence bu- reau were published in local newspapers in the following days. 1 Bolshevics Activities The publication of telegraphs containing Bolshevik propaganda re- ceived by Russian Intelligence department had some influence in Trabzon. It can be said that at first there was no negative reaction against Bolshevism in Trabzon. It was even seen as a way of liberation during the opening days of the Turkish parliament in Ankara. A public support during the demonstration of 1 May 1920, when the Russian Consulate had not been opened yet, was an indication of this approach. 2 The Bolshevik propaganda had started in those days in Trabzon. The French Representative Lepissier wrote in a report that while he was away from Trabzon (the days when Turkish National assembly opened), a Bolshe- vik committee from Novorossiysk lead by the lieutenant Boris was distribut- ing a leaflet free of charge entitled ‘How I became the Bolshevik’ written in three languages. 3 The 1 of May celebrations took no place in 1921 in Trabzon, even if something had happened there was no public or official support to it like in the previous year. 4 Because of an increasing Bolshevik propaganda in the Eastern Cities including Trabzon, the Governorship decided to prohibit the celebration of May 1 in 1921. In the report written by the Government of Turkish National Assembly in 1 June 1921, this issue was mentioned. 5 Mustafa Suphi event affected this decision. A committee of the Turkish Communist Party led by Mustafa Suphi went to Trabzon in January 1921 and disappeared. This event caused many official writings between the Consulate and Governorship. In order to meet Mustafa Suphi and his companions Con- sul Bagirov waited at Trabzon road on 28 January 1921 but he had returned back without being able to see them. Mustafa Suphi and his companions were sent to the dock without allowing them to meet the people who were waiting for them. They were boarded on a boat and were sent towards Russian coast. In two weeks time the committee still had not arrived to Russia. In February 1 İstikbal, 26 June 1921, 337; 25 July 1921, 362; 28 July 1921, 365. 2 ATASE, kls.813, ds.3, bl.1-4. 3 Yavuz, p.209. 4 Trabzon Governorship Documents 28 April 1921, Private archive (MEÇA). 5 ATASE, kls. 1033, ds.85-A/98, bl.27.