Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

219 1921 Bagirov wrote to Governorship of Trabzon to clarify what had hap- pened with Mustafa Suphi’s Committee who represented the 3rd Interna- tional and that was the reason behind attack on them. The Deputy Governor of Trabzon Sabri Bey replied that «Nobody from the Third International came to Trabzon nor left Trabzon. We have no infor- mation about this». The Consulate was not satisfied with this respond and the Director of Information Bureau Astahov wrote to Governorship but did not get any reply. 1 The Head of Boatmen (Kayıkçılar Kahyası) Yahya Kahya was blamed for Mustafa Suphi event. Yahya was killed by an unknown person on 3 July 1922 while he was going to his summer palace in Soğuksu. Because of Mustafa Suphi’s event, it was thought that the Russians were responsible for the assassination of Yahya Kahya. 2 The Trabzon Governorship took some measures because of the public reaction against an increased Bolshevik propaganda at the beginning of 1921. To respond to these measures, the Consulate also expressed its displeasure and sent its complaints to Ankara. The Consulate complained about the pro- hibition of the publication of written statements on the Bolshevik conquest of Tiflis, about difficulties made by the Turks for Russian radiotelephone- telegraph officers, and misbehaviour towards Bolshevik officers in Trabzon. As a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a written order to the Trab- zon Governorship in 12 March 1921 to warn Governorship, so as to avoid any activities which would obstruct Turkish-Bolshevik Relations. Moreover, the Ministry asked the Governorship to engage in legal proceedings against those who made inappropriate actions against the Bolsheviks. 3 However, there was public and official displeasure in Trabzon against the Russian Con- sulate for its Bolshevik propaganda. This displeasure was explained in an official document sent to Ministries of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs on 26.6.1921. 4 The problems complained by the Governorship were solved by diplomatic means in Ankara. The Russian Embassy warned the Trabzon Consulate, that they had not to publish any telegraphs that contain Bolshevik propaganda. 5 Military authorities also undertook some measures against Bolshevik propaganda. The Third Caucasian Division Deputy Commander Colonel Al- bay (Miralay) Seyfi Bey, informed Trabzon Governorship about an order 1 Yavuz, 324-325, 333-334. 2 Tepeyran, p.124-125. 3 Trabzon Governorship Documents, 17 March 1921, MEÇA. 4 Mesut Çapa-Veysel Usta; Milli Mücadelede Trabzon Vilayetiyle Yazışma- lar, Trabzon, 1995. p.151-152. 5 Trabzon Governorship Documents, 13 July 1921, MEÇA.