Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

220 issued by the East Front Commandership on 18 June 1921. While taking those measures the authorities were also trying to avoid any actions that would annoy Soviet authorities. An intelligent report was received in February 1921, it was claiming that some members of the Baku Turkish Communist party members would bring some gold two million ru- bles worth to the Turkish coasts. The East Front Commandership announced that a big financial reward would be given to anyone who would assist to capture this money. 1 Relations of the Consulate with Immigrants from Russia and Cauca- sus and Russian Citizens Many Russian and Azeri Mensheviks and many ex-state officials from the North Caucasus Republic arrived to Trabzon after establishing of the Bol- shevik control over all Caucasus in 1920. The number of arrived people reached its highest point in the first six months of 1921. The Russian Embassy in Ankara informed Turkish authorities in August 1921 that there were five hundred anti-Soviet individuals and supporters of the Czar in Trabzon and about seventy – eighty of them in Samsun. As a re- sult the Ministry of Internal Affairs requested detailed information from the Trabzon Governorship. According to the Governorship data there were 25 Russian citizens (ex- cept women and children) in Trabzon in 13 August 1921 who escaped from the Bolsheviks. Those people arrived in Trabzon between 1 December 1920 and 20 June 1921. All those people, who were pro-Czar, lived in difficult conditions and had not participate in any political activity. 13 of them were Russian and 8 of them were Georgian. Apart from two students there were representatives of the following professions: engineer, teacher, baker, driver, secretary, warehouse officer and merchant. Most of them found a job related with their profession in Trabzon. 2 After the Russian occupation fifteen important people, among them the North Caucasus president Psemaho and Minister of War Cemaleddin Bey, arrived to Trabzon at the end of 1921. A decision about settlement of the North Caucasian group in Trabzon was not made easily. The Russian Gov- ernment, who had good relations with the Turkish Government, was not happy with existence of the Caucasian refugees in Trabzon. The Russian Consul in Trabzon Ali Oruc Bagirov sent a letter to the Trabzon Governor- ship on 14 January 1921 about this issue. Bagirov informed that there were 1 Çapa-Usta, p. 59-60, 143-144. 2 A letter sent to Trabzon Governorship by Deputy Minister of Internal affairs Refet Bey at 8 August 1921. A letter by Trabzon Head Police M.Tevfik Bey dated 13 August 1921, MEÇA.