Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

221 many North Caucasian army officers who were members of the Denikin army in Trabzon. He claimed that some of them were propagandizing and preparing a revolution in the North Caucasus. He stated that he had to inform his government about this issue. The Trabzon Governor informed the Minis- try of Internal Affairs about this, and claimed that it was not a good idea to allow those refugees to stay in Trabzon while the Russian Consulate was pur- suing them. He suggested that those people should be sent to somewhere else to stay. At the beginning Samsun, Ankara, Bayburt or Gumushane were pos- sible alternatives but finally officials decided to settle them in Trabzon and Akcaabat. Finally, 8 of the North Caucasian group were settled in Akcaabat and 7 of them in Trabzon. The former North Caucasian President Pesimaf and his family (4 people), Minister of War Cemaleddin Bey and his family (3 people) and ex-Derbend Governor Albay Resid Bey were settled in Akcaabat. The North Caucasian Minister of Foreign Affairs Haydar Bammad (3 person), North Caucasian representative Ibrahim Gergiyof (3 person) and North Cau- casian representative Allihan were settled in Trabzon. 1 After Azerbaijan occupation by the Bolsheviks on 27 April 1920, many Azerbaijanis came to Trabzon. Among those refugees there were ex- administrators and merchants. The ex-Governor of Baku Fahri Bey, ex- Minister of Internal Affairs of the Musavat Government Mustafa Vekilof and Minister of Finance Abdulmecit Bey were among the arrivals. 2 The Soviet Consulate authorities gave guarantees that the Azerbaijani refugees could return to their country freely. 3 A telegraph sent to the Trabzon Governorship by Ankara had announced that «the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that after negotiations with the Georgian Foreign Affairs Office, the people who escaped from the Bolsheviks could return to their countries freely». This situation was announced officially at Trabzon and its vicinities. 4 Mostly the Russian Consulate was communicating with Russian Citi- zens in Trabzon by means of the local press. One of the advertisements of the Consulate informed that «the Soviet Citizens should register to the Trabzon Representative office until 15 April 1921, otherwise they would not claim 1 Mesut Çapa, «Kuzey Kafkas Cumhuriyeti’nin Rus Egemenliğine Girmesi Üzerine Trabzon’a Gelen Devlet Erkânı», Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, №100. Şubat, 1996, p.285-302. 2 Tarakçıoğlu, Op.cit., p.60-61. 3 Date of document is 16 June 1921, MEÇA. İstikbal, 6 September, 1921, 396. 4 Date of document is 12 July 1921 and it was signed by Minister of Internal affairs Refet Bey, MEÇA.