Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

223 Governorship. 1 Visa Transactions Visa transactions for the travelers from Black Sea Coasts who wanted to go Russia and Batum were being done by the Russian Consulate in Trabzon. Any traveler who had no visa from the Russian Consulate was not allowed to enter Batum. The Russian Consulate was announcing visa fees via press. From 3 Oc- tober 1921 visa fees for Russia was 5 gold Ruble except for prisoners of war and holders of diplomatic passports. From April 1922 the visa fees were as follows: travelers to foreign countries 10 gold Rubles, renewing the docu- ments 3,5 Rubles, Russian citizens who were traveling to Russia or transit passengers 1,5 Rubles, non Russians who were traveling to Russia or transit passengers 5 gold Manats. 2 At the end of 1926 visa fee to enter Soviet countries was totally 990 ku- rush: 5 liras for visa, 50 kurush for the Red Cross, fee for visa letter stamp 4 liras and 40 kurush for the Red Cross 3 . The Russian Consulate was exempt- ing the Russian citizens who had financial difficulties from those fees. The Consulate was limiting visa issuing when it was necessary. Once, the number of refugees had so increased in Batum that there was shortage of dwellings and buildings. Thus the Consulate had delayed the visa transactions for a short time, except for government officers and merchants. 4 Relations with official institutions in Trabzon, Celebratory and Wel- coming Ceremonies At some point the Trabzon Governorship confiscated the weapons of the Consulate officer Danilof. The Russian Consulate in Ankara was informed about this. The Consulate demanded that those weapons should be given back either to the Consulate or Navy detachment commander Reshernof. The Min- istry of Internal affairs asked the Governorship of Trabzon why the weapons were not given back. A letter sent to the Governorship signed by Adnan Adi- var on behalf of the Minister of Internal affairs at 1 February 1921 informed that according to the reciprocity Consulate officers were exempt from the weaponry rules, so the weapons should be given back. The Ankara Govern- ment considered the Turkish-Soviet friendship important, therefore it did not want this kind of problems. After the warning of the Ministry of Internal af- 1 Governorship responded the letter of the Consulate dated 10 November 1926 at 17 November, MEÇA. 2 İstikbal, 4 October 1921, 420; 17 October 1921, 431; 2 April 1922, 574. 3 MEÇA. 4 İstikbal, 7 November 1922, 756. İstikbal, 5 May 1922, 603.