Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

226 ism together, and he saluted Turkish army. He was applauded with great feel- ing. Later on they got to the cars and Aralof stood up while public was ap- plauding him. He shouted ‘Long Live Turkey’. The first day the Governor invited them to his house for a tea meeting. To respond this, the next day evening Aralof organized a dinner in the «Feliks Dzerjinski» ship. In his speech at the dinner, Aralof mentioned the importance of Turkish-Russian friendship, Turkish nation struggle against the Imperialism and the heroism of the Turkish army. Aralov was quite happy because of the interest he met in Trabzon. As a courtesy to this, he gave a silver tea set to the Governor, a sil- ver plate to Rize Municipality and a Caucasian khanjar to the commander of the third division of army as a gift. 1 The relation with Trabzon Soviet Consulate during the establishment of the Turkish Republic was realised in the framework of main relations be- tween two states. Trabzon, as a gateway to Anatolia for Russia and Caucasus had preserved its importance during this period. References: Aralov, S.İ. Bir Sovyet Diplomatının Türkiye Anıları (Çev. Hasan Âli Ediz). Ankara, 1985. Archive of General Head Quarters of Army, ATASE. Aslan, Yavuz. Türkiye Komünist Fırkası’nın Kuruluşu ve Mustafa Suphi, Türk Tarih Kurumu. Ankara, 1997. Cebesoy, Ali Fuat. Ali Fuat Cebesoy’un Siyasi Hatıraları. İstanbul, 1957. Cebesoy, Ali Fuat. Moskova Hatıraları. Ankara, 1982. Çapa, Mesut-Veysel Usta. Milli Mücadelede Trabzon Vilayetiyle Yazışma- lar. Trabzon, 1995. Çapa, Mesut. Kuzey Kafkas Cumhuriyeti’nin Rus Egemenliğine Girmesi Üzerine Trabzon’a Gelen Devlet Erkânı // Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 100, Şubat, 1996, s.285-302. İstikbal Gazetesi. Karabekir, Kâzım. İstiklâl Harbimiz. İstanbul, 1988. Karaman, Sami Sabit. İstiklâl Mücadelesi ve Enver Paşa (Trabzon ve Kars Hatıraları. 1921-1922). İzmit, 1949. Şemsutdinov A., Bagirov Y.A. Bir Karagün Dostluğu Kurtuluş Savaşı Yıl- larında Türkiye-Sovyetler Birliği İlişkileri, (Çeviren: A. Hasanoğlu). İstanbul, 1979. Tarakçıoğlu, Mustafa Reşit. Trabzon’un Yakın Tarihi. Trabzon, 1986. Tengirşek, Yusuf Kemal. Vatan Hizmetinde. Ankara, 1981. Tepeyran, Ebubekir Hazım. Belgelerle Kurtuluş Savaşı Anıları. İstanbul,1982. Trabzon Governorship Documents Private archive (MEÇA). 1 İstikbal, 9 January 1922, 503; 10 January 1922, 504.