Россия и Арабский мир: к 200-летию профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета Шейха ат-Тантави (1810–1861)

266 tionalism, and Platonic ideas were mingled with the cultural and Islamic mi- lieu of Al-Ghazali, Al-Farabi, Ibn Bajjah, and Ibn Sina. Although Hayy Ibn Yaqzan has been well-analyzed in a rich flow of books and articles over the years especially in Europe, the theme of east and west will be given prominence in my present paper. The first part of my argument will concern the ideological and cultural colourings of the context in which it was written. The second part deals with the most debated issues in the novel that continues to be the point of intersec- tion of contesting ideologies. It also deals with the astonishing variety of conclusions the novel has yielded.