Тибетская литература в современном литературном процессе

404 Тибетская литература в современном литературном процессе КНР of the works of Dhondub Gyel, including a description of his Collected Works : poems, short stories, essays, critical texts and literary studies, exploring different aspects of Tibetan life, language and history. The chapter Tradition and innovation in Modern Tibetan Literature: the case of poetic works by Dondub Gyel deals with the issue of influence of traditional Indian poetics on the Tibetan medieval literature and gives some clues for the decision of the question whether the modern Tibetan poetry, exemplified in this case by Dondub Gyel’s poetic works, was influenced by it. The chapter Reflection of the ethnic identity and special features of the sinophone Tibetan literature starts with listing the most important works of the modern Tibetan literature (both Sinophone and written in Tibetan) selected by the Chinese scholar Geng Yufang. The second paragraph discusses the “borderland identity” of the renown Sino-Tibetan writer Alai and changes in his approach to the Tibetan culture after publishing the debut novel The dust settles down (2001, English translation The Red Poppies ). The third paragraph discusses what changes occurred in the Tibetan prose, as seen from the two sets of the selected stories of the Sinophone writers (1985, 2002). The concluding paragraph approaches the prose of three writers of the younger generation — Pema Tseten (b. 1969, Ch. ᩉ䶀թ؟ , also a film director), Norbu Tsering (b. 1965, Ch. 侖ؒ ڻ ո ) and female writer Medon (b.1966, Ch. ᪢ථ ), they have been recognized in China, and their works are cited from the Lhasa based modern literature series The Tibetan antelope (zang lingyang). The chapter The modern Tibetan literature through the eyes of Chinese literary critics aims to present a historical aspect of the modern Tibetan (Sinophone) literature studies in China, opinions and views of the Chinese scholars concerning issues of ethnicity, language and expressive means in the Tibetan literature. Primarily, we clarify what is expected from the “ethnic minorities` literature” (including the Tibetan one), since this concept has also been a part of the state policy discussed in a previous chapter. In order to understand the niche that the Tibetan literature occupies on the Chinese literary stage, the chapter addresses institutions, channels and journals designed to propagate the Tibetan literature among the Chinese readers. Chinese scholars and critics have come up with a periodization of the development of the modern Tibetan literature, which makes it a part of the Chinese history. Critics tend to view the Tibetan literature as something “mysterious”, “cryptic”, representing “the Other”, basically it is only the Sinophone “new Tibetan novel” which is representing the entire literature to the Chinese critics, the majority of whom do not know the Tibetan language, and these views prove the cultural distance and boundaries existing between the Han Chinese and Tibetans despite their belonging to one state. The Chapter Modern Tibetan literature in the Internet shows that the Modern Tibetan literature is spread in the Internet in all forms of websites: digital libraries, electronic publications, personal websites etc. Some works by modem Tibetan writers are available online at Internet portals on Tibet, the Tibetan language and culture. Works of modern Tibetan writers are mainly available as electronic versions of paper publications in online shops and digital libraries. Many modem