Тибетская литература в современном литературном процессе

405 Summary Tibetan writers also have personal websites, author’s pages in theme-based websites with free posting or online literary magazines. Bogs are also widely spread. With the growing Western interest in Tibet a large amount of translations are published in websites about Tibet and Tibetan culture. There are also sites, created to translate Tibetan language resources, blogs and online magazines. The chapter Modern Tibetan literature among other arts: theatre, popular music, television, cinema deals with the development and transformation of different forms of modern Tibetan art from the middle of the XX c. It describes the development of broadcasting media in Tibet; analyses changes undergone by the traditional Tibetan dance and music genres under the influence of the Chinese authorities and the process of globalization. It examines the use of modern music, theatre, television and cinema for Chinese state propaganda as well as the way Tibetans have used modern art forms to express their identity. The chapter also contains comparative analysis of the development of modern Tibetan art within the Tibetan diaspora. The chapter Contemporary Tibetan literary studies — a new field of Tibetan studies explores contemporary Western approaches to studying literary process in Tibetan societies in PRC and abroad since early 1980-s (after the end of the Cultural Revolution). The analysis of two primary collective works on the modern Tibetan literature: Contemporary Tibetan Literary Studies (ed. by Steven J. , 2007) and Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change (ed. by Lauran R. Hartley and Patricia Schiaffini-Vedani, 2008) leads to the conclusion that contemporary Tibetan literary studies have become a full-fledged field of Tibetan studies since early 2000s, investigating all major aspects of the contemporary Tibetan literary process: its history, the problems of writers’ ethnical and linguistic background, engagement with traditions of classical Indian and Tibetan literature, influence of modern literatures, innovation in literary form and content, specific genre developments, social changes as reflected in works of art, organizational issues. The present volume’s editor is glad to mention that although interest of Russian scholars to the modern Tibetan literature, language and culture is still quite fresh, in June of 2014 there was the first panel devoted to the modern Tibetan Literature ( Modernizing the Tibetan Literary Tradition ) organized in Russia in the framework of the 6th International scientific conference Issues of Far Eastern literatures , and a book of abstracts and papers was published online (http://www.ifel.spbu. ru/?p=1321). The panel was attended by scholars from Germany, France, USA, Czech Republic, Finland, Austria and Russia. The present volume is the first step of Russian scholars in Tibetan studies towards the understanding of contemporary Tibetan literary process (both in Tibetan and Chinese). There are Russian translations of selected works by Dondub Gyel and an index of names of Tibetan authors and workers of culture in the appendices. The authors of the present volume dearly appreciate the help of the following foreign colleagues: Françoise Robin, Patricia Schiaffini-Vedani, Franz Xaver Erhard, Yangdon Dhondup, Tsering Shakya, Riika Virtanen, Nancy Lin, Nicole Willock, Lama Jabb, Steven Venturino, Nimrod Baranovich, Lauran Hartley, Michael Balk and Tsering Thar.